Sep 09, 2008 09:48
Tips for College from a First semester student:
(1) Always have your keys on a lanyard; you have no idea how much easier it is getting out your keys and not loosing them (which ends up costing you $150 to replace the locks… yuck)
(2) Be careful where you walk in the morning, you don’t know where the drunk people got sick until you step in it. I’d rather see it first then step in it.
(3) When going out partying/clubbing/what not make sure the whole group has the same plan and you don’t get left behind.
(4) Don’t ever hand you Driver’s License to a stranger, Mike had his stolen, I went and got a police officer then everything was solved and the people in the pizza parlor who took it (two drunk guys) went to jail.
(5) Don’t drink too much, you’ll be sorry.
(6) If someone pisses you off there are 4000 other people to replace them
(7) Clubbing is only fun in groups
(8) You are never really alone, even when you think you are.
(9) Don’t loose your school ID, pretty important stuff that is.
(10) Some of the best food is the stuff you scrounge together to create something like a meal. The best by far has been the combo of Easy Mac, Friend rice and sliced ham, yum.
(11) No matter how nice you think a guy seems, he’s always just a horny bustard in the end
(12) You will always hate something about your roommate, Deal with it
College; supposedly the best years of you life, but in reality its just the beginning. Its just when you start gaining your independence and loosing your individuality by being sucked into the crazy life of a student who believes themselves to be unique but always will remain as part of the group. Even the art students who strive to be unique end up only once again being part of the group.
Remember those jocks back in high school, you know, those guy who pretended to play football well and lost every game, or those snotty girls who gave up their virginity to those football players and stuffed their bras to look “more mature”, yeah, those people, well here is where those people strangle. Finally they aren’t able to get everything they want by just their boobs and points on the field, here is where they are thrown out and finally labeled as what they are, losers. Maybe that’s just the ideal college, but at lest here you can recognize that starting to happen because in the end it always does.
College life if defiantly different from high school and I know I’ve changed since then. I curse lot more, I guess when you surround yourself with people who say, “Fuck it!” or “You Bitch!” you tend to pick it up. This is only really a disadvantage if you get so used to saying it that you slip up in front of your mother who you’ve never her curse once in your time there. Yeah, that’s where I stand. In the past few months I know I’ve also changed in my view about guys and relationships. Frankly I don’t take them as seriously. I won’t get into details, I don’t want to share them at this time, but overall I think I’ve grown in this area. I don’t feel stuck like I did before, I know I can do what I want and if one thing doesn’t work out there is always another.
College is a good experience for me. Not only am I kinda getting away from things at home but I’m exploring new options available to me.