A great cloud of poisonous lacquer vapours is rolling through the main part of the house, preventing me from watching TV or playing Red Dead Redemption, so that seems as good an excuse as any to hold up in the study, get some more work done on my Godheads anthology and make some notes about my upcoming Emerging Writers Festival panel appearance.
On that note, the
EWF 2011 website has gone live, and you can download the festival guide and make plans about what to see. It's a really excellent festival for any Melbournians working in writing or publishing - well worth a visit, even if you're just going to one of those panels where I'm not speaking. I suppose someone has to.
Oh, and speaking of Godheads, I got sick of waiting for Smashwords to finalise their distribution agreement with Amazon, and just went ahead and made/published my own version of Hotel Flamingo for the Kindle Store.
You can find it here, or by browsing direct from your Kindle - which is apparently how most users of the device prefer to buy/source ebooks, so this should open up a massive new sales channel. If I do some work to promote it, at least. Which I guess brings us back to the EWF, if I'm being cynical.
But I'm not being cynical; I'm writing about childhood loss and what happens when you exorcise a ghost and leave a different ghost behind. And drinking beer. And trying not to breathe too deeply. Always good advice in this day and age.