More ebook action - 'The Descent' available for free

Dec 16, 2010 13:40

 Following on from yesterday's breakdown, I've started the ball rolling with putting up 'The Descent', a free short-story ebook, on Smashwords.

When Mister Smith looks out the window of a plane and sees a man standing on a cloud, nothing else in life seems to matter as much anymore.

A flash fiction story about wonder and priorities.

Note that the cover isn't as good as Hotel Flamingo's, but that's because I made it myself in 20 minutes with Photoshop and a photo I took on the previous US trip.

As a free story, my main aim here is to just get a little more attention. And it may work; I've already had 60 page views and 15 downloads in the last hour or so. If some of that attention filters back to Flamingo, or to the upcoming, will-have-a-proper-cover anthology Godheads, I'll be very happy.

Anyway, I'd be remiss if I didn't pimp this a little here. 'The Descent' is short and hopefully sweet, it won't take you more than 30 seconds to download and 5 minutes to read, and you're welcome (hell, encouraged) to forward it to other people that might like it. See what you think.


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