"i am soo butthurt about it!"

May 07, 2005 13:15

yesterday's happenings...

went to Angela to the laundromat and had a crazy time!
went with Shery to Sexy Prison
Sexy Prison play's naked
Shery got kidnapped to Vista
I was abandoned at Che Cafe with no ride
Michael and Bryce picked me up
went to Megan's place to pick up a bottle
showed Michael and Bryce my place
talked to Angela until 3am
then fell asleep.

all in all Compassion In Action and Sexy Prison is by far the best bands ever.
i got work today, and the remaining week, court bill do ASAP and my overdraft bill due upcoming payday, this Friday! ugh.

and i got the TECH21 CompTORTION pedal!

other than that,
im finishing school next week, and my parents don't know it.

David S.
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