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Jan 07, 2012 14:23

I was discharged from the hospital the other day and it was the hardest thing to deal with. I was living one of the worst nightmares imaginable: I went to the hospital pregnant and was leaving not pregnant but empty-handed. I didn't want to leave the hospital without my baby. It had been hard enough having to be on the 5th floor while David was on the 6th. I could hear the other newborns on the mother/baby ward crying and I hope that those moms appreciated having their baby in the room with them. I will get my day one day, just have to wait a couple of months for it.

I cried a lot that day, all day. I couldn't help but tear up. I have been on the steriods, sleep deprivation, and so much stress. I don't think that helped any. Mom was really wanting me to talk to Dr. Barrow about post-partum depression. I think that it was a little premature for me to start thinking that.

David had been doing pretty good. He was under the phototherapy light for a couple of days for an increased billirubin. When Howie and I visited yesterday, it was off so his billirubin was back down again. He is tolerating his feedings well. I have really gotten my milk in as well. He's taking 2 mL every 3 hours. I'm pumping about 60 mLs every 3-4 hours. I am currently out of containers for taking the breastmilk to the hospital.
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