I'm so excited!! I wrote an email last night asking my support about helping me buy a stroller made especially for disabled children. All of the strollers we have now can't be used for the almost 7 year old girl that I take to therapy every week! And let me tell you, she weighs a ton!!
So I found this
chair online that holds up to an 145 lb. child/small adult, and sent the email out. Today I had 9 responses!! Some people wanting to pay for the whole thing!! I'm accepting all donations I can get and hopefully will be able to buy 2 and the accessories! I'm so excited! I think I'm more excited about the great response I got than I am about the strollers... NAH!!!
Oh, and I asked Bre and my cousin's wife Lindsay about getting some black ballet slippers for a little girl to wear with her school uniform. Because of her rare disease she can't wear the normal MaryJane's that all of the other girls wear. I thought it would be so cute for her to have matching shoes instead of just wearing her socks!
Today was a good day!!