It's Been Awhile. Again o_0

Sep 14, 2009 01:23

Blame My Twitter. Ever since I discovered micro-blogging. It's been way more easy on the time I spend writing about stuff tht goes on in me life. And so, LJ got neglected.

Anyways, lookie what I found! XD

Believe it or not, I bought this right here in Malaysia! XD Not thru Yes-asia or any other online music store. Bought them at a local CD store called "Rock Corner" in One Utama. Now if only there were more Japanese albums in local CD stores >.<

For those who dont follow my twitter; I'm currently into one of Korea's Biggest Girl Bands right now called Girls' Generation a.k.a SNSD (So Nyeo Shi Dae). Think Morning Musume without the teeny boppers. 9 hot 20 year olds baybeh XD

The CDs are actually mini albums. So the booklets didn't have tht many lyrics. But it was made up by tons of pictures XD I first fell in love with their HUGE single "Gee" from their first mini album (above). Then, very much recently, came "Genie (Tell Me Your Wish)" from their second mini album (below).

At first, I didn't favor any member at all as they were all gorgeous. And then, I discovered 2 of them were Americans who, after some youtubing, spoke the most gorgeous English I've ever heard from a Korean XD Yeap, I'm in love with...

Jessica and....


Funny thing abt Tiffany was when I was watching this youtube vid abt both Jessica and Tiffany who were on a Korean English radio show called "Pops in Seoul" and Tiffany was the most outgoing, bubbly person I've seen in a long while. She sang a beautiful solo and I was slowly falling in love with her.

THEN, the interviewer asked Tiffany what's her kinda guy; she was a lil reluctant to name somebody, so she gave some ambiguous aspects like tall, dark and handsome yada yada. To my horror, she finally mentioned a name;

Edward Cullen


Never before have I experienced so much love in a few minutes destroyed in a fraction of a second T_T I still love her tho. But not as much as Jessie now lolz

Anyways, cant for get the hottest chick in SNSD who gets all the attention all the time

TaeYeon XD

Here's an alternate version of their famous promo for Genie. Yummy Legs XD I could take a bite outta Yoona and Yuri haha Too bad SooYoung is caught in the crease tho >.>

Here are the girls in a more sailor kinda outfit. Jessie is in the crease now o_0

And here they all are grouping by the credits. Sunny's probably going "Urrgghh~ Tiffany's pits! Grroossssss~" XD

Man, I took so many pics from Genie and only one from Gee

Yes, I'm in love with the quiet Jessica XD

*GASP* deaxolff! I can actually tell everyone apart! (Altho I still have a little trouble with Seohyun and Yuri) But arent u proud of me now? lolz XD

Ack, too many words. I shall now crawl back into Twitter's nest XD tootles~
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