Aug 03, 2005 23:26
I know normally you're not supposed to be having any fun whatsoever in summer school. I'll even admit that when I was here first quarter for safety ed it was all pain and suffering (and a senile teacher). But now that I'm here for fourth quarter driver's ed, I think I'm actually having a little bit of fun (scary thought, isn't it?). See, I was playing Scrabble in class today after we finished all of the useless busywork (I mean assignments...). I lost by 10 points; 297-307. The frustrating thing is that I had a seven letter word and no dictionary to prove that it was actually a word. So I was forced to put jolts down. So I blew having a seven letter word on a triple word score. So instead of settling for 50 points; I could have had an additional 50 or so points for a score of 100+ on one word. Moral of the story, "jolters" is a word.
Jolter(s), n., one who jolts.