Mar 09, 2010 22:25
Yay! We are officially approved for our house loan. There are some minor issues:
1. The radon rating is about 4.5 in a closed house in winter. We are looking to get mitigation in place, but it's not as scary as it could be.
2. The contractor thinks he might have smelled some sewer gas. All of us agree that since no one has lived in the home for so long, it probably comes from needing more water run.
3. There might be a bit of mold. Once again, old roof leak that is now fixed. The inspector thinks that it will die if it does exist and we just need to have good air purification for a few weeks.
The realtor is talking to the seller to see if they made sure that they renovated everything appropriately.
That said, I am coming down with a nasty nasty headcold and feel like crap.:(
Ah well.
house purchase