Hello one and all!
Down here's a short and pretty preview-esque peek into some concepts I'm wandering around with. First off there's four new drawings, which were made last weekend during a public model drawing session (thanks to Renate for inviting me along!).
I had decided to use the human models more as referrence points for bodily shapes and anatomic purposes, instead of their original purpose, to model and for us drawers to copy their looks as exact as possible in the shape of a drawing or portrait.
The four drawings of this session are now for sale at around 15 to 20 euro each.
Below here is one of the concepts I've got for a painting the size of 2,20x30 cm, since I've now got this large plank.
And maybe some of you folks remember or are familiar with my first
dreadlock dog concept.. well, just as many other creatures, I am going to bring em all to the next level in drawing. Especially on an anatomy kind of perspective. Below is the first side view concept of the same dreadlock dog. version 2.0 I'd like to call it.
So there you go. I hope it will be liked, please share your opinion. And also let me know if these new directions are not liked. I admire honest feedback! It helps you get further. Well, have a very good day. And I hope to meet you again soon.
from the Netherlands,
Levi van Huygevoort