Waaaaaaaaal E!

May 27, 2008 23:37

Okay, guys. I am REEEALLY EXCITED about this movie. With all of the crap that's been showing these days, it's been a very long time since I've anticipated a release date this much. Wall E appears to intertwine four of my favorite things: science fiction, robots, robot love, and little digital squealy voices! Let's hope it doesn't disappoint, yes? I can't remember a movie trailer that I've wanted to watch over and over again, just because it is SO DARN KYOOT.

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And then watching the trailer led Stephen and I down a wonderful yellow-brick-road through YouTube of cute robot videos, and we found this guy Crabfu! His creations are almost as cute as Wall E him(it?)self.

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So we all know that the Japanese pretty much monopolize the business that is adorable-ness. But the Keepon robot, developed by Hideki Kozima, is more than just a friendly ball of animated yellow foam. Keepon was made to interact with small children to study developmental disorders in schools and remedial centers. I wish research was always this cute! He kinda reminds me of Rollie Pollie Olie.

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The ApriPoco is a universal control for everything from light switches to changing TV channels.

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Sony's Rolly digital music player not only dances to the music playing, but you can choreograph the moves with movement software! Insane!

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