Last night in my Traditional Dances of Mexico class, our instructor made an announcement. Mesa Community College is sponsoring a 2 week intensive workshop / master class in Ballet Folklorico (Native Mexican Folk Dance) taught by Sylvia Lozano, director of
Ballet Folclorico Nacional de Mexico. It's 4 1/2 hours per night, four nights per week, and at the commencement of the class on May 27th, there will be a performance. Our teacher kinda warned us that it would be really intense, but encouraged us to give it a go. I think if I were going to do it, I'd have to quit smoking and start jogging to build up my endurance.
The idea of doing this is so damn exciting! I don't care if you think I'm hokey; I never thought in a million years that I would like Folklorico dancing as much as I do (I like to theorize that I was hispanic in another lifetime). It was a class that I took for no other reason than it fit in my schedule and sounded interesting. But, I've come to really enjoy it.
Very cool.