Nov 09, 2011 01:23
[Rarity is not sobbing this time when the feed flickers on. What a relief, right? Instead she just looks tired, and perhaps a little bit wistful. Her Meowth is curled up in her lap fast asleep.]
So... I have a bit of a dilemma. You see, I used to be a well known designer when I lived in Equestria. I would make beautiful, beautiful dresses; it was my passion, my life. Since I now no longer have the means to do that, life seems a bit dull without that creative outlet.
Of course I don't plan on giving up! However, in order to regain a creative outlet, I need the materials to make it happen. Unfortunately, making dresses and clothes for humans is a little bit harder than making dresses for ponies. Anatomically… there is hardly any comparison.
Hence my question for everypony: Is there somepony who could re-teach me to sew? And then perhaps, would anypony know of a dress shop anywhere in Jhoto that is hiring designers or even just sales employees? If not, that is perfectly alright. I will find something eventually, but I thought that there was no harm in asking. Many of you were so helpful when I first arrived.
Thank you and good night to you all.
[Rarity smiles and then the feed ends.]