I swear by my pretty floral bonnet: I will end you. (From my LJ)

Apr 14, 2009 08:58

On the subject of my last post here, I had an interesting thing happen to me yesterday.

Somebody fucking stole my art! Yeah!  On dA!  I saw it on my channels this morning and voila those poses look very much like MINE!!!

At first I thought it was this lovely person http://gillyperkygoth.deviantart.com/art/033009-Cornered-118086137 who asked if she could use my work to practice but seeing what blatant copying was posted I didn't feel comfortable with it.  Turns out I had the wrong person.  The pics I saw this morning were submitted by someone who didn't even ask to use them.  And it's obvious she just edited them like you do with bases.  Which I cannot abide by.  So I wrote her a happy little note and asked her to remove the pics.  If she doesn't I'll report her.  Little bitch!  Who does that?!?!

The jerk! : http://sironabennet.deviantart.com/ (the art has since been removed after the following correspondence)

Initially I sent this:
I have to say, I'm not really comfortable with what you've done with my poses. I know I said you could use them but I thought you meant as a reference not a base. I don't approve of using bases and I don't want my work to be used as bases. I hate to be a jerk about it but I'm going to have to ask you to take those pieces down. Thank you.


After I figured out she hadn't even asked, just took I sent this:
After careful consideration I've found it wasn't even you who asked to use my art. I am not okay with what you've done and would like you to remove the offending pieces right away. I don't appreciate you using my art as bases without my permission. It's rude and just plain not right. If you do not remove the offending pieces I will be forced to report you to the dA mods.


She replied with (which is total bullshit thanks to some clever detective work on

dtaina 's part):
I have recieved your messages, and I have removed the offending artwork. I am sorry if I have offended you, that was the last thing I wanted to do. There is a drawing that I drew on my bed, it looks a whole lot like yours, but its not. I checked it the next day, and saw it looked like yours. So would I be allowed to keep only that one, the one in which I drew, please?

Sorry about any issues I may have caused.
P.S. I still think you're awesome.

To which I responded:
I'm sorry but it is mine. It's a match to my drawing and I can't abide by it. You'll have to take it down. I also need you to take the other manip down as well since it contains one of the previously mentioned pieces.

Lastly from her:
ookie dookie, will do gilly. This wont happen again.

Sorry mate.

Damn skippy it won't happen again!  I doubt she's learned her lesson though.  She still has a ton of stolen work on her page.  I'm just so flabbergasted.  How do they expect to learn anything if they're just tracing and recoloring other peoples' work?  Or do they just not care to get better?  In that case, why bother?  I hate bases.

But a huge thanks goes out todtaina  andrevulo for looking out for me.  I love you guys!

This just keeps getting worse and worse.  I hate to report her but I at least want the original artists' to know their work has gone afoul.  We're doing some legwork.  This is ridiculous.  I don't think this chic has an original bone in her body.

And shinga you're included.  Don't you feel warm and fuzzy?  http://sironabennet.deviantart.com/art/Demetra-and-Odessyn-Ra-Garnax-108477614
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