BBC!Holmes Group Listen, this is your fault

Aug 30, 2010 01:11

 This was...I hesitate to say inspired...triggered? the very first BBC Holmes group listen. We listened to DEVI, and someone made a remark about Holmes and Watson sending Mrs Hudson a postcard while tripping their socks off.
Here, I'm sorry to say, is that postcard.

Note proper Victorian stamp and expertly forged postmark. Also, that's a genuine 1900-ish postcard of Pollurian Bay with, I believe, Poldhu Hotel in the background.

Honestly, with the extraordinary things I feel the need to spend time on, it's remarkable how I manage to hold down a job.

my crazy let me show you it, crack, brain get down from there!, holmsery, foolishment, sort of fanart, utterly inexcusable

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