I have decided to part with some of the Kurt Halsey postcards that I have collected over time. To be honest, I need the money and I just can't display things in this apartment the way I want to. Some of these are not available anymore, some just left the Kurt Halsey store. I'm not trying to rip anyone off, so I will be taking offers (pinkdeviant@gmail.com).
If they don't sell through here I will put any of the remaining postcards on eBay on Friday the 2nd, so get them here if you really want to and can. Email me if you have questions or want to work something else out with me.
Also, I don't have a scanner, so these are digital camera pictures, I apologize for the poorer quality, but it's the best I could do.
I have: Cakes, Scars and Bitten Lips, Green Beans and Peas, Met A Boy/Bleed Current, Nekkid, Reach Into Me & Sad and Slow.
The ones for sale:
Front PictureBackside Picture Scars and Bitten Lips
Front PictureBackside Picture Green Beans and Peas
Front PictureBackside Picture Met A Boy/Bleed Current
Met A Boy (front)Bleed Current (back) Nekkid
Front PictureBackside Picture Reach Into Me (--I love this one, but I have no space for it--)
Front PictureBackside Picture Sad And Slow
Front PictureBack Picture x-posted to
kurthalsey, so I apologize if you see this twice.