New Poem.

May 26, 2008 22:11

Well I know its been abit since I added anything new to any of my poetry series.  However purpledodah & jasonsnene ganged up on me to try and finish some that I have drafts of.  For some reason I just have not been happy with how they turned out, but finally got one finished that I think is good.  This will be part of  the 'Long Search' series.  You can find the others in the series as well as the 'Faces of Love', 'Zodiac', and others in my Memories.


If I become, in any sense, divine
Or more than human to your
questing eyes;

If, seeing me, you see not
what I am, but what you
wish to see, see me instead!

If I pretend to soul-perfectedness,
know that within me lies
the crying child who, seeking
comfort, lies within us all.

If ever you should think I
have no need of words or
touches, or of thoughts or
deeds.  Think once more:
For the well of needfulness
in me is deeper than the
sounding sea.

Yet what I take is but
what I return.
No pedestal for me:
My feet are clay
As every other's who has
passed this way.

Hope you enjoyed it. 


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