This was something for Henrys class... Savannah did a report on Satanism.
Questions on Satanism by Savannah
Answers on Satanism by Carson
[07:46] Sadi Filth: Is satanism the worship of satan?
[07:47] convict carson: In which matters? Christian eyes? or Satanists eyes?
[07:47] Sadi Filth: Satanists & Christians
[07:48] convict carson: In a Christians eyes, yes satanists are accused of "Devil-woship".
[07:49] convict carson: But the truth of Satanism is not "devil-worship" in fact, Satanism and devil worship are two distinctly different animals. Devil worship is what it is: the worship of an external deity (in this case, a "devil"), much as it could be labeled inverse Christianity -- that is, confining yourself to the Christian religion and overall model, but merely choosing the "bad guy" in their Bible instead of the purportedly central character.
[07:50] convict carson: The Satan in Satanism is an archetype, one many know by name and is relative to the culture. Some Satanists choose different aspects of this archetype, depending on geography or just plain aesthetics, but the same characteristics still hold true. It would make little sense for us to claim to embody the archetypal qualities of Satan (rebellion, rational self-interest, carnality, etc.) on one hand, and then attempt to worship an anthropomorphic Satan on the other. In laymen's terms, it's hardly rebellious to worship a figure that represents rebellion. The Satanist finds unproductive and one-sided idol worship to be draining and useless (not to mention hypocritical).
[07:50] Sadi Filth: Who is satan to Satanists
[07:51] convict carson: Like I said previously... In Satanism, Satan is an archetype, a representation of certain qualities that the Satanist embodies including rational self-interest, avoidance of oppressive mentalities, the questioning of all, and a perseverance towards success and human potential.
[07:52] Sadi Filth: If you dont believe in and actual Satan, then why do you say "Hail Satan" in texts and rituals?
[07:53] convict carson: In addition to what is stated before considering how we contextualize Satan, this is my take on this fairly common question:
1) "Hail Satan!" (the exclamation point is optional, though preferred) is often another way of saying "Hail Me!" Since we Satanists embody the qualities of the archetype of Satan, it stands to reason that the phrase is both apropos and analogous. You very well could say "Hail Me!" instead, but keep in mind this...
2) "Hail Satan!" is also a salute to our achievements (both collective and, more importantly, individual), ethics, and heritage. It is a statement of pride in defiance of a polyglot, egalitarian, and ignorant way of life represented by the nauseating Christ ethos and its followers. If we have signed any pact with Satan, it is this.
[07:54] Sadi Filth: Does Satanism require drugs, or sacrafices?
[07:54] convict carson: No, Satanism isn't about taking drugs, and it isn't about harming animals or children. Unlike many religions and philosophies, Satanism respects and exalts life. Children and animals are the purest expressions of that life force, and as such are held sacred and precious in the eyes of the Satanist. Besides, it is very un-Satanic to take any creature's life against its will.
[07:56] Sadi Filth: Does Satanism have commandments, or consequences like sin?
[07:56] convict carson: Yes, in Satanism there are Nine Satanic Statements and of course Nine Satanic Sins.
[07:57] Sadi Filth: And what would they be?
[07:58] convict carson: The Nine Satanic Statements are thus:
1) Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!
2) Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
3) Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
4) Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!
5) Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!
6) Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!
7) Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his divine spiritual and intellectual development, has become the most vicious animal of all!
8) Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
9) Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!
[07:58] convict carson: And as for the sins...
[08:00] convict carson: The Nine Satanic Sins:
1) Stupidity
2) Pretentiousness
3) Solipsism
4) Self-deceit
5) Herd Conformity
6) Lack of Perspective
7) Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies
8) Counterproductive Pride
9) Lack of Aesthetics
[08:07] Sadi Filth: Jesus died for my sins. What has Satan done for me?
[08:07] convict carson: First of all, Jesus did not die for your sins. A daemon like Gandhi, Jesus, Joan of Arc, will sometimes give their life for an expressed cause, to set an example for others straining under the yoke of oppression. He was simply saying, "Look upon me. I lived life on my own terms, according to my own design, and I was willing to give my life rather than forfeit my divinity." It worked for a while, but his message of unity was seized... distorted by political opportunists... couched in lies and deception!
The Wheel of Life turns and cycles us through the ages of time where events are staged again and again, ad infinitum. On each corner page of history the same principle powers appear on the scene. Donning their mortal masks, they reenact the divine drama.
[08:08] Sadi Filth: How can a Satanist not worship Satan?
[08:10] convict carson: Does a Buddhist worship Buddha? Of course not. Does a Nudist worship Nude? It all depends on what you would consider "worship." Worship need not describe groveling before a deity or expressing an unhealthy attitude that diminishes ones self worth. Unfortunately, many Satanists view worship in this negative light, then move to an opposite extreme; exalting oneself as godhead while disregarding the universal life-force. As a result, I've witnessed nonproductive, egomaniacal infighting between Satanists.
Satanists suggest a *balanced perspective* coupled with an appreciation for irony because the creator and the created are co-dependent! It is foolish to imagine a Christianity based entirely upon altruism and it is foolish to imagine a Satanism based entirely upon selfism. To lead a happy and productive life, balance is the key!
Also, Satanists need to view "worship" in a different light: a feeling of love, adoration and devotion towards the archetypal forms of whom we are a physical expression.
[08:11] Sadi Filth: Are there different types of Satanists?
[08:12] convict carson: Yes, there are 3 main types.
Modern Satanists
Theistic Satanists
Satanists boast of Luciferian pride
[08:13] Sadi Filth: What are the differences between those three types?
[08:14] convict carson: Modern Satanists do not worship the devil; they do not even believe in this Christian-created being.
Theistic Satanists do believe in an entity known as Satan and Devil Worshippers also believe in Satan as a deity. Theistic Satanists see Satan as an actual dark pagan god.
Satanists boast of Luciferian pride; the ability to challenge any authority, but understand the importance of asking questions with proper respect. Only cults teach that you must never question your leaders! Stratification is the law by which the devil worshiper abides and servitude is their portion. Satanists are strongly opposed to devil worship or any hierarchal system which seeks to enslave the spirit and damage the individual or a community.
[08:15] Sadi Filth: Are there any morals to Satanism?
[08:15] convict carson: Actually, yes. In the book "The Satanic Rituals" there are what Satanists call "moral codes". Which are thus....
[08:16] convict carson: Liber Oz
There is no god but Man.
Man has the right to live by his own law --
to live in the way that he wills to do:
to work as he will:
to play as he will:
to rest as he will.
to die when and how he will:
Man has the right to eat what he will:
to drink what he will:
to dwell where he will:
to move as he will on the face of the earth.
Man has the right to think what he will:
to speak what he will:
to write what he will:
to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will:
to dress as he will.
Man has the right to love as he will: ---
"take your fill and will of love as ye will,
when, where and with whom ye will!" -- AL. I. 51.
Man has the right to resist those who would thwart these rights.
"the slaves shall serve." -- AL. II. 58.
Satanism has always favored the interests of the individual over the collective. "Do What Thou Wilt" should be taken literally!
[08:17] Sadi Filth: Is Satanism an evil, brutal religion?
and What about the curses?
[08:19] convict carson: It is imagined that the Satanist's favorite pastime is throwing curses upon the weak, the susceptible. In reality, we live by the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." And certainly, if you were to treat another person badly, without just cause, would you not expect to be treated poorly in return? We live in a universe of cause and effect. The rationale for a curse should be to redress the balance once a wrong against someone has been committed.
Yes, the All is One! There is a subtle link between everything and everyone in the universe. The spear in the side of my enemy is a spear in my side also! But why focus on one aspect of the truth? Life is paradoxical in nature - there is an *opposite* truth; survival of the fittest. Death and destruction completes the circle of life, then comes rebirth, regeneration. All are equally important and necessary!
Evolution is determined by the ability to adapt and defend oneself. If I am attacked ruthlessly, I am obliged to protect myself and my loved ones. As a singular aspect of divinity, I will decide when it is prudent to throw a curse upon one of my enemies.
The daemonic approach embraces the sum total of human experience; love and hate, joy and despair, empathy and indifference. One cannot achieve the pinnacle of ecstasy without having first experienced the very depths of gloom - it's a simple law of nature! As we traverse the Left and Right Hand Path, we find perfect balance and strength at the matrix of this dichotomy. Yes, we inhabit a universe of conflict and duality, but the source of life is the All One, whose center is everywhere.
[08:21] Sadi Filth: If I was raised a catholic, or christian. How can I convert, or deprogram myself?
[08:24] convict carson: I believe people have different temperaments. If you are trying to free yourself from the control mechanisms of the matrix, one might try making fun of religious dogma, the tool of the oppressor. For instance, join the Church of the Subgenius! Following are a few quotes from the Discordians;
Give a monkey a brain and he'll swear he's the center of the universe.
All fanatics must die!
Cthulhu saves our souls and redeems them for valuable coupons.
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.
So laughter is certainly one way, but not the only way to free yourself. There is also the process of venting anger which most people disapprove of because they fear violent eruptions. Shielding people from unpleasantness is what our society tries to do, but we have gone too far attempting to create a perfect world for ourselves. Merely suppressing hostility is not the way to establish order!
[08:24] convict carson: And so, if a person is raised in an oppressive atmosphere of total religious intolerance and they want to burn a bible or trample a few crucifixes, I say let them! Some people become Hindus, Christians and Moslems and they find spiritual harmony and balance. Bully for them! We are not talking about those people! We are talking about people who have had religion forced upon them. We are talking about people who have been shackled and enslaved by a religion. And when I say "religion," I mean anyreligion, including Satanism. Let us also try to liberate others because, in doing so, we free ourselves! Selfishness doesn't always work in the real world because the real world behaves according to laws of tidal gravity, cause and effect! We get out of life exactly what we put into it.
Another approach to deprogramming yourself is exposure to material condemned by authority figures. Read Mein Kamph by Adolph Hitler the first week, then Das Kapital by Karl Marx the next week. Despite popular claims, it will not rot your brain! If you should perchance read "The Trial of Gilles De Rais," you will not suddenly become a serial child rapist and murderer. But you may get a peek at the dark side of human nature and actually learn something. While you're at it, pick up a copy of "Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom and Other Writings" by Maquis De Sade. Look beneath the surface of all things considered taboo and do not relent!
[08:24] convict carson: Now that you've deprogrammed yourself from the ravages of organized religion, shake hands with a new enemy; the apostles of Satanic morality! These individuals would like nothing more than to save you from exposure to John Allee's deplorable degeneracies. Controlling what people think "for their own good" is a clever form of thought control and Satanists utilize it daily against their own kind. But who's to blame?
The newbie Satanist begins his journey upon the left hand path and is appalled to discover no structure or solid guidelines! They expect of Satanism a way to *reprogram* themselves, but our objective ought to be helping others *deprogram* themselves! Misleaders are portraying themselves as politically-correct paragons of virtue who offer a roadmap for weary travelers upon the left hand path. They appear erudite, but will attack with vitriol those who threaten to expose their true agenda; converting Satanists to a neo-Christian belief system.
Satanism requires *less* structure and *less* control, because our objective is and has always been individual sovereignty, not the monopolization of power.
[08:24] convict carson: Also...
[08:25] convict carson: If you have not read The Satanic Bible, you should do so. It has a lot more information on our attitude toward Satan, and will give you a clearer idea of our philosophy, ideals and goals. Perhaps at first they will be difficult for you to understand, because you may have been raised in an environment that dictates that God=Good and Satan=Evil. The truth is that good and evil are often terms that people twist to suit their own purposes. Sometimes people will lie and try to make you think certain things just so you will do what they want you to do. Always remember that the final judgment is yours. That is both a great freedom and a great responsibility. For us, Satan is a symbol of the power of that choice.
[08:26] Sadi Filth: What about Exorcisms?
[08:27] convict carson: Originally this word came from the Catholic Church with set rituals and prayers. Priests who were trained would deal in cases such as this. Also, believers were given prayers to say that would help keep 'evil' at bay.
Today's Roman Catholic Church still has trained exorcists, however, they rarely perform exorcisms, and the Church always looks for natural, medical and psychological causes first.
[08:27] convict carson: Other religious sects are not so professional in their dealings with their beliefs. Recently here in the United States, two Christian parents were arrested for beating the devil out of their child during an exorcism rite, effectively killing her. Of course, you'll never hear a lead story with the caption "Christian parents kill child" because it would offend many listeners. It is also irresponsible journalism. But if the caption reads "Satanist parents kill child in bizarre ritual," that would be fair game. Since Paul's letters in the New Testament, the devil has served the convenient function of scapegoat and that tradition is reflected in today's news headlines. What this accomplishes is to deflect blame onto an impersonal devil. People need to take responsibility for their own thoughts, words and actions.
[08:28] Sadi Filth: Do Satanists commit hate crimes?
[08:28] convict carson: Unfortunately, there are malcontents of every color and creed. Here in the United States, a Jewish cemetery was vandalized and swastikas were spray painted everywhere. When the juveniles were captured, it was discovered they had no Nazi affiliations whatsoever. They were just young vandals using well known symbols of hate in a desperate cry for attention. However, a few local journalists ran with the headline, "Nazis desecrate Jewish cemetery" because that sells more copy and produces higher ratings.
Always question what you hear and what you read. Look for the facts. Remember the old newsroom saying, "Dog bites man" does not sell a newspaper. "Man bites dog" makes good copy.
[08:30] Sadi Filth: If I was a Satanist, how would I explain it to my parents?
[08:32] convict carson: I am assuming you live with one or both of your parents, so you probably shouldn't make this too confrontational. If the issue degenerates into a screaming and yelling match, no one will benefit. One option is simply to conceal your interest in Satanism. Until you know more about Satanism, this may be your best choice. You certainly don't want to go through the emotional turmoil of a fight with your family if you aren't certain that you are committed to Satanism.
When you are confident enough, or simply sick of covering, tell your parent that you have chosen a path other than Christianity. If they begin to object, ask them to reference exactly which points they disagree with Satanism on. They probably don't understand much about Satanism and you can point this out to them by asking them to name specific problems. Satanism requires study, not worship. Much of the material covered in this conversation with you and I came from heated discussions I've had with various individuals, including parents. Remember that you are not debating which religion is more correct, you are simply taking the stand that no one should tell another what religion to accept.
If the truth were known, many people are living lives of quiet desperation, trapped in a cell where they are both prisoner and jailer. When you declare yourself a Satanist, you are proclaiming your independence and freedom and likewise nullifying the same lies which keep your parents trapped inside their cages. So, when you present your case, it will be with evidence that is most uncomfortable. What if mom and dad aren't ready to hear the truth? They may feel threatened and decide to lash out at you, even disown you! Therefore, before you confront your parents, consider the possibility that their fear of discovery may be greater than your fear of being discovered.
[08:33] Sadi Filth: Do you hate christians?
[08:34] convict carson: Won't you please accept my beliefs and not judge me?
It is sadly amusing that Christians often ask me to respect their beliefs and not judge, but do not extend the same courtesy to others. It is not just the Christians. This happens with any group that believes they are in possession of the "one true path." The wielding of this alleged truth by the religious right has caused many pagans to lose their jobs, their children, and other rights. If these things were happening to Christians it would be widely televised and the public outcry would be deafening! The Satanist knows all too well that in the United States we have only the illusion of religious freedom.
[08:34] convict carson: Sadly out of the ashes of recent tragedies, some good will come about. A generation of children raised in the shadows of the twin towers will have learned a thing or two concerning accountability. They will be asking questions like; How can one quote scripture so often yet refuse to put words into practice? The horny red devil will not be a convenient scapegoat when the face of evil is that of a white, upper middle class teenager. A pitchfork pales in comparison to the use of an airplane as a weapon or biological and chemical warfare. Catchy bumper sticker slogans like, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven" makes little sense after the first strike in a war.
[08:35] convict carson: Christians are often afraid I will try to convert or defile them in someway. Anyone who is insecure in their own faith is afraid to talk with someone of a different mindset. Satanists do not evangelize. We do not encourage a sheep mentality. The only reason you will ever see public announcements is to simply bring like-minded people together. It is not to turn others into something they are not. Satanism promotes individual sovereignty -- the belief that every man and woman is the center of an universe. Satanists live by their own rules and accept responsibility for their actions. It is a state of mind which reveals a certain level of emotional maturity.
[08:37] Sadi Filth: Are god and the devil enemies?
[08:38] convict carson: Some religions certainly pit the two together in a constant battle of good versus evil, while others seem to illustrate it as a tension that keeps the universe in balance. It is curious that these same religions claim to have "one god." Islamic fundamentalists and Christians define themselves as monotheists, but practice dualism; they imagine a devil opposed to the creator, but creation cannot be divided against itself. If the devil physically exists, then God exists.
Here is another concern. If God created Satan, then God is Satan. You cannot create something unless it is a manifestation of your own will. How can you make a computer if you don't know how? You would have to base it on knowledge of that computer, or in this case, God's knowledge of "evil." So, God is evil. If God created hell, he'd have to know about eternal torment, meaning God is tormented. If God created humans, and humans are imperfect, God is imperfect. Christians blind to reason should refer to Isaiah 45:7, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
[08:39] Sadi Filth: Do you worship evil?
[08:40] convict carson: You can not even define evil without discussing what is good. Therefore, the two are inseparable. One can not understand darkness without experiencing light. One cannot appreciate day, without having night. Opposites compliment, define and complete one another. To destroy all evil in the world means there would be no good left to appreciate, therefore the Satanist does not worship or disrespect either quality! We value ourselves and nature instead and venerate opposition in balance!
The definition of good and evil is subject to change because it exists only as a perception. "Evil" is a label we assign according to our mood swings to those who are politically incorrect. The ascended masters of Eastern Philosophy become the fallen angels of Western Philosophy. One man's "demons" are another man's "saints." Theologians create gods and devils in man's image, then conflict between them to divide the heart and conquer the soul! They pit spirit against matter, then appoint themselves position of supreme arbiter, divine interpreter of right and wrong, good and evil.
[08:41] convict carson: "Good" are the things we like. "Evil" are the things we dislike. It often depends on who or what you are. As Diane Vera says, if you're a mouse, cats are evil, but to the pet owner, cats are heavenly. Therefore, evil is not an essence - it is a value judgment. From a Christian point of view, Satan is "evil." Satanists are truth seekers who desire to peek behind such labels.
Of course, there are certain ethical wrongs, but they are set by a society or culture so that all can live harmoniously. Examples of these would be thieving, disrespectful behavior and killing or abusing an innocent. A Satanist respects societal ethics, as do people of other faiths.
[08:44] Sadi Filth: Do Satanists engage in animal sacrifice?
[08:45] convict carson: Satanism has no actual history of animal sacrifice, though the Judeo-Christian and most of the other major religions are steeped in it. This is perhaps the most asinine and hypocritical allegation directed towards Satanists.
If your child is mentally disturbed, get help. Blaming the devil is not going to solve your problem. If any person kills a living thing and it is not a part of a religious situation (such as Santeria) please get the facts. Tolerance is good. To not do something when there may be animals, children and others in danger from a nut (of any religious persuasion) is irresponsible.
[08:46] Sadi Filth: Does Satanism encourage sex at young age?
[08:47] convict carson: While Satanism encourages "indulgence instead of abstinence," this does not necessarily have to refer to just sex. The individual would dictate what types of behavior he or she would like to indulge in. In other words, Satanists do acknowledge moral codes and have ethics.
[08:48] Sadi Filth: What are your ethics regarding love spells?
[08:49] convict carson: Magic spells can be thrown any number of ways - you should stick with the method you are most comfortable with.
Love spells are tricky and can lead to obsession. You might think you've found the right man, ignored all the warning signs and wind up in and out of divorce court or even worse, destroying yourself.
[08:50] Sadi Filth: How can I find out if Satanism is for me?
[08:51] convict carson: If it really matters to you, and you really want to know, then you have but to ask. In the dark of night, and with a open mind, say out loud and really mean it, "Satan, I want the truth." Now, don't expect a burning bush experience, but over a period of time, events will transpire and chance meetings will occur so that one day, you will realize that the truth has been there all along. Of course, you will be as a judge, compiling many pieces of information. When the process is complete, you will then have to weigh the facts and make an informed decision.
The answer you receive from Satan, using the above stated method, will be the "truth" you are seeking, but it will be your truth! When one begins "channeling messages" for others to read, then canonizing said documents, he no longer has a special relationship with the Prince of Darkness having betrayed his basic evolutionary premise, self-determination. A solid line of demarcation exists between Gnostic self-enlightenmentand the evangelical tenets of a self-appointed "pontiff."
[08:54] Sadi Filth: What does Satanism require?
[08:55] convict carson: Satanism requires nothing but study. Satanism does NOT require worship.
[08:57] Sadi Filth: I dont agree with your philosophies, therefore, I will condemn your religion
[08:58] convict carson: Go ahead. It's your ignorant prerogative. But, it does seem to me that, by stating that, you really can't deal with what other people do unless you can get involved in it. If you are such a herd-dependent and weak individual, you would undoubtedly make a ridiculous excuse for a Satanist. I can't give you anything to fill the void in your life, and neither can Satanism. If you are sour on life, don't blame it on me or my religion. Why do you pay so much attention to Satanism if you don't care? Because, for some unwarranted reason, you've convinced yourself that you do. What a waste of good emotion.
[08:59] Sadi Filth: I tried Satanism, but it did nothing for me.
[08:59] convict carson: And, I suspect that you believe that a model airplane builds itself. Satanism didn't disappoint you, you disappointed yourself and can't face the blame you deserve. You don't improve your Satanism, you improve yourself. That's the giant point you missed through all of that hard searching for easy answers in a book. Why not go back to Christianity? They'll tell you what to do with your life and you won't even have to think.
[09:01] Sadi Filth: As a representative for Satanism, do you do interviews and lectures. Isn't this preaching? And, doesn't this violate your rule of not giving your opinions unless asked?
[09:02] convict carson: Of course this isn't preaching and it doesn't go against the First Satanic Rule of the Earth. If you open a magazine, turn on your radio, or click on your television and see an interview with a Satanist, you've reached a point where you will either not read or look at it, or you will. If you choose the latter, you have consigned yourself to the information and, by your own actions, have given your non-verbal consent to receive such information about our religion. If you attend a lecture, you have even more so welcomed yourself to our 'opinions.' No one coerced you to attend or read or watch or listen. Assuming that Satanism can be preached is to assume that anyone can be a Satanist, which is grossly false. We know this and wouldn't bother proselytizing like other religions. It would waste our time and we'd have to care, which we don't.
[09:03] Sadi Filth: Why do so many Satanists wear black?
[09:03] convict carson: I'm glad you said 'many' instead of 'all,' because the latter simply isn't true. It is true that I prefer the color black in my wardrobe choice, although other Satanists will have their own personal reasons for their personal choices. (Sound like real life to anyone?) It is a choice. I find it pleasing, uniform, and void of so many of the popular culture icons the herd adorn themselves with. The only thing that my personal choice of the color has to do with my Satanic self involves those three things mentioned in the previous sentence. For me, it also means that I don't have to waste mental energy and valuable time striving to match everything, because I'd rather use that time for more useful and productive activities. It's a cultivated look with many personal advantages too numerous to completely name.
[09:06] Sadi Filth: What political system do you follow?
[09:07] convict carson: Any, which one do you adhere to?
Although the basic themes of Satanism are probably best summed up by Capitalism each Satanist is an individual. Free to choose which party, if any, best represents their interests. Whether it's Communism or Ecology, there are no limits or standards imposed. Satanism is totally separate from its members political beliefs.
[09:09] Sadi Filth: Are you going to hell when you die?
[09:09] convict carson: Hell is one of Christianities fairytales, it has nothing to do with me or my beliefs.
[09:10] Sadi Filth: How did you become a Satanist?
[09:12] convict carson: Simple. By having an open mind to other religions, seeing through the ingnorance and hypocrisy in Christianity, and picking up a copy of LaVey's bible from your local Barnes N Noble.
[09:13] Sadi Filth: How do I become a Satanist?
[09:14] convict carson: The short answer is, you don't!
We don't go door to door trying to sell you the Satanic Bible and getting you to convert. This is simply because Satanists are just born that way. However, many people do read the Satanic Bible and agree with its logic completely without feeling the need to take up the religion. If the ideas contained in the literature make sense to you but you're not a Satanist, there's nothing to stop you from using those ideas and formulas in your own life.
[09:15] Sadi Filth: Do Satanists believe in God, heaven & hell?
[09:16] convict carson: There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! Choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth!
A Satanist does not believe in God, Satan, The Devil, Angels, Heaven, Hell, etc, all these items belong to Judeo-Christianity. Neither does a Satanist believe in the Buddha's reincarnations, any myths of Judaism, Islam or Upanishad. They are irrelevant and silly ideas.
[09:17] Sadi Filth: What does a satanist worship?
[09:17] convict carson: Satan is a metaphor that symbolizes all the things in life that are necessary for survival. Satanism is the worship of the self, it is an existentialist movement where we admit that there is no way of experiencing an objective reality and that everything we do is clouded by our own imperfect perceptions. Satanism is, amongst other things, the worship of clarity and overcoming self-deceit.
[09:20] Sadi Filth: Am I a Satanist?
[09:20] convict carson: You most certainly are a Satanist whether you want to believe it or not. If you have ever disobeyed authority or even been slow in jumping through the hoop when authority spoke, you are a Satanist and an adversary of those in power.
[09:22] Sadi Filth: It seems that Satanists are more tolerant. Is it true?
[09:22] convict carson: Of course we are. Satanists are not expected to be perfect, and it's no sin to enjoy life, have money and enjoy fulfilling relationships. We don't hide from our God, instead, we bring Him along for the ride.
[09:23] Sadi Filth: If you had to do it all over again, would you be a Christian?
[09:23] convict carson: NO. I am a child of the Black Rose, and for me, there is only one family. Satan is my Father, and I'm quite happy with my arrangements.
[09:25] Sadi Filth: Is satan after my soul?
[09:26] convict carson: If you believe in the teachings and a book that was written by a poor starving oppressed people to cause the collapse of Rome from the inside out using morals. Sure Satan is after your "soul". However in reality Satan had your "soul" at birth. We're all Satanists by nature...but many become weakened and confused and end up as herded sheep. The fit at some point find and can accept certain possibilities. Botched fools deny it and escape into a fairy-tale world
[09:28] convict carson: One last thing I forgot to mention...The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth - which every MODERN Satanists believes.
[09:28] convict carson: The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth, which are thus:
[09:29] convict carson: 1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
9. Do not harm little children.
10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.