Dec 22, 2011 15:17
Attention, attention!
1. We will be moving to Dreamwidth after this game!
We will update this journal, as well as Plurk, etc to let you guys know when that happens and when everything is up to date. Hopefully everything will port over nicely '^' Mmmmore details after this game is finished and we wrap up all of our outstanding business here.
2. Character options!
A few people have asked us what their options are for a) having a character they don't want to keep folding their CFUD/Aather/Sabra development into their Demonverse play but instead start keeping a separate AU split in demonverse or b) playing a character who is dead in canon, after they drop from their game, given that some of these characters will want to go home even if it means being dead and thus calling them from 'home' (as we have been with the drops who play so far) would be pretty tough. And/or any other reasons you'd like to think of something different for!
As a whole we would prefer to do the "at the end of a game, you go back to CFUD/Sabra/Aather" thing, just because it's harder to integrate large groups of players into a game in media res if they're all over the map, so we'd like to keep the exceptions at a fairly low number, at least until we get the hang of how to do it! But we also don't want your sense of fun to be impacted, because that is really why we're doing all this, so if you have a strong preference for some kind of work-around, feel free to talk to us at any time and we will be happy to work it into the game.
Here are some options we have thought of off the top of our heads, and if none of them work for you, surely there will be more we can brainstorm together after we've actually sat down to think things through more:
- NOT DROPPED -- AU SPLIT LIVES IN DEMONVERSE: At the end of the game, your character "stays in Demonverse!" Obviously you are also still playing them in (Camp/Aather/Sabra) but much like the fact your RP self in CFUD is split from your canon self (thus people from home could have seen you at home while you were in camp or whatever), your Demonverse self "has stayed here" while your camp self "has been in camp the whole time". THIS IS A CONVOLUTED AND OVERLY DETAILED WAY TO SAY that Demonverse is already an AU (since there's no remembering it in your rps and so on) so in this AU your character never leaves after a game (but simultaneously you continue your 'canon rp' play as normal, outside this AU.)
- DROPPED CHARACTER DEAD IN CANON - AU SPLIT LIVES IN DEMONVERSE: go ahead and send your character to their untimely fate, but in the AU universe that includes Demonverse, they come to Demonverse after they left their last RP and stay here the whole time. (We would be happy to have a little post for this event if so).
- DROPPED CHARACTER DEAD IN CANON - PRETEND YOU NEVER DROPPED: We kidnap you from CFUD/Sabra/Aather as usual, and pretend that you were in your RP the whole time. Confusion from your fellow RPers ("Didn't you leave?" "Didn't you happy end?" "I thought the pillar got you") is met with confusion from you ("No, I was definitely in camp the whole time, I was taken away from my bowl of Tuesday soup so I know for sure" "What? I've been on Coral for months, man!" "I was drunk with Monoceros, sorry, I guess I haven't been back to my dorm for a bit...") and then quickly brushed aside or put down to a weird memory-loss quirk of dimensional travel.
- As always we are ALSO still happy to bring in dropped characters when they go home to live, or who decide to go to a different world where they can live; that's not really relevant to this issue but I didn't want to make anyone think that was no longer an option.
We're totally open to other options/suggestions if none of the above work for you and you want to go one of these routes! Again we'd like to keep starting numbers small just to make it easier to do game setup that the NPCs know but characters don't, but we also want this to be a totally viable option you are welcome to take. Your happiness is our happiness, etc ♥
Feel free to ask us for clarification or anything else you need in the comments ♥
3. An ENDGAME and EPILOGUE (the endgame with a small amount of plot, and an epilogue that's a derpy open-to-thread-forever post as you realize it's about time to go home) are going to go up tonight when we're both home from work, with a short time lag between the posts (hopefully going close together but if they don't and anyone needs to sleep, the epilogue will always be open so don't feel you have to avoid jumping late).
Thank you, we love you all, thank you for just indulging our silly Christmas but-we-want-to-play-with-people-in-Demonverse needs! We will be back to our regularly scheduled actually-having-a-real-plot antics next game. ♥ But everyone kept saying they just wanted to hang out, and we think it was great fun. ♥
!game 10