ASL continues to be amazing. For some reason, repeating the same phrases over and over again doesn't seem anywhere near as boring as it would in another (spoken) language. And yet, words and phrases and such are so much easier to pick up right away and just remember.
My Swahili teacher was going on about posessives, and how they can be contracted in some cases, and was saying: "so, to say "my mom" you can say mamangu instead of mama yangu and for "your mom" you can say mamake... well, actually, out of context that's a pretty common insult. So be careful with that one. >>;"
Also, in Swahili "kama" means "like/as". Which isn't that far from "como" meaning essentially the same thing in Spanish.
And: feel oddly vindicated for all the times my dad looked at me in utter confusion when I'd get challah and halva confused.