I've decided that I'm going to attempt to do a very loose version of NaNoWriMo this year. My goal is to write 50k words of something. Anything. I'm counting essays, journal entries, snippets of this and that, anything. My criteria is that there be coherent sentences. Ideally, I'll only count things that are longer than a sentence or two. (I have a list of phrases and sentences that I like, and I don't plan on counting additions to it.)
My goal isn't to get a novel out of this. It's just to write. I haven't been writing enough lately, and it's making it harder for me to write anything, much less express it clearly or in an interesting manner. I need to practice stringing words together into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into a cohesive whole. That's all I'm aiming for.
I was going to have toast this morning, but all the bread that I have has gone moldy. I spent several minutes examining it, studying each patch of blue and white fuzz on the crust, the spots of yellow that might not actually be mold, the mass of tiny black stems spread across the not-crust-part like inverted hair-follicles, and pondering the odd taste that rotting food acquires--often before you can see the rot. It was far more interesting than doing homework.
Fortunately, I was already planning on baking bread today. I set up the yeast last night and everything. When I woke up, the little yeasties were bubbling away merrily. Unfortunately, but the time I was actually ready to start baking, they had lost their zing. I'm not sure if it was because the room had gotten colder (I'd turned off the heat* and opened a window), because they weren't getting enough air-circulation and started suffocating (the container I had them in turned out to be too small, and had overflowed, sealing the lid closed), or if they just ran out of food. But the bubbles were gone, and the starter lay flat and liquid at the bottom of the container. I made up some more starter in a new and larger container, and put it somewhere warm.
That was several hours ago, and now it's bubbling enthusiastically. I suspect that I should start with the bread making sooner rather than later, if I don't want to have to throw this batch away too.
*Apparently, the thermostat in my room actually works! As does the heater! No really, you have no idea how exciting this is. :D :D :D
I also need to do laundry, at least if I plan on wearing underwear tomorrow. Like. Now.
Perhaps I can harness the power of procrastination to get my homework done? That'd be cool.