Oct 15, 2004 23:21
i feel like im going to die.
but whatever...im doing what i have to do.
do you ever feel like youre so busy living day to day life, that you have no time to live? because youre always being weighted down with chores, school,, work and homework...that you dont have time for your friends? your loves? your life?
i forget who i am.
i sometimes dont think i am anyone. sometimes i think im a figment of my own magination. im not real. because if this is what it feels like to be real, then reality isnt an actual.
i argued that we are all one entity today in philosophy. i think my teacher thinks im crazy now...whatever.
we strive to rejoin with other pieces of ourselves, that is why we form bonds, friendships and love. isnt it obvious?
i believe in soul mates, its the closest soul that comes to being you. maybe you just have everything in common, maybe you just compliment one anothers existance...but it makes you feel whole. period.
im sick of all the bullshit that surrounds me every day. i want something real.
i want to be real too.
perhaps someday.