May 13, 2008 13:13
I picked up the PS3 special edition. What can I say? I like the extra stuff. :p My previous GTA experience is limited to the first game and San Andreas, so this is my first visit to Liberty city. First off, I have to applaud Rockstar on the fine work they did on this NYC cariacature. While I don't reside there, I do go there on a fairly regular basis. I think they did a great job capturing the essence of the city. The attention to detail is amazing. While it's considerably low on traffic and pedestrians in some areas, it's enough to get annoyed at when you're trying to get somewhere. ;) Actually, the true annoyance, especially in Manhattan, is the pedestrians.
I haven't quite finished the story, yet. I think I have just a few missions left. It's been pretty interesting. There are some tough choices to make. The single player experience is fun, overall. I think my only problem is dealing with all the friends you make and taking them out to do stuff, so they like you more and eventually give you bonuses. They all have some really useful bonuses, but I've been spending a fair part of this late game handling calls from them. Sure, I can accept their invites and call back to cancel, but it's still annoying. I've had people call back to back or right as I'm about to start a mission. Of course, I can't call some of them in the middle of the night or too early in the morning. :p I'd be happier if they just did away with having to be on-time.
Combat is pretty good, overall. Melee is so-so, but you don't get this game for the melee combat. Driving is fun. The physics are pretty good. No more exploding cars when you flip over is a plus. Multiplayer is loads of fun, too. I'm so glad they put all that stuff in. Someone did their homework, watching what people did in the SA:Multiplayer action. ;) All the extra entertainment (radio stations, cabaret, comedy, TV) are great, too.
Of course, there are some things that are missing from this game, like access to planes, firetruck and ambulance missions. I don't miss them though. Chasing so many friends around the city certainly makes up for that race against the clock/try not to crash and kill people action. Actually, that's probably why they left that stuff out. There's other timed action, as well.
DLC for this could be sweet. It could be more of the same. Unless it actually adds to the story experience, I don't think I'll be too disappointed that M$ got dibs on it. I think it may eventually find it's way to the PS3. If not, I guess I'm done with Rockstar games. :p
I spent some more time with it and I'm getting very close to the actual end this time. While I'm impressed with the quality of the story, some the actions required to get through said story have been quite tedious. I realize that nagging sensation I had about the game was reminding me of my time spent in San Andreas. The hype factor was too much, though. I need to go back to renting these games. :p