31. Please help I do need a doctor ++

Jan 11, 2018 19:13

Lena writes it in the blog of Arseny Vasilich The Rooster (further Arseny).

Please help with advice. Noticed on Friday last week that Arseny was walking very strange, as if blind with one eye, locked the chicken I have = the rooster + two hens since Saturday in the coop, this Monday 8 Jan took Arseny-the-rooster with my hands as it was visible he has problems. He sits since then in a huge carton box with hay+ under him, I move this carton box between the bathroom-with-warm-floor and the bedroom-near-the-heating. Have to keep in mind that also our dominant female cat is around - so she should not have access to the patient.

First I did what helped already twice in previous years - calculated amount of paracetamol/coldrex + double doze of multivitamins. I really did restore the dear rooster twice from shit back to normal - but now it goes different and old solutions do not help.

Contrary to the photo's - the rooster was back to standing this morning. Every time I start giving him water / food (force-feeding sure) - he goes back to the laying mode and I cannot get any idea the last two days of he seen my hands / what heppens.

He happily swallows force-fed food (very gentle paste of walnuts-musli-krenten-eggs-green-stuff). He accepts drinking before force-feeding and right after force-feeding. Sure there is water in the huge carton box he stays in - but I have no idea if he drinks himself, most likely - no.

I tried today usually top beloved mealworms, fed with carrots for two hour earlier - but it seems that with one eye he still use Arseny is following me and just neglects food outside. He happily swallowed ca. 12-14 mealworms.

Clear he has still a fever - and yes, I think it is in general the result of several rainy days when I was an idiot not to provide a better shelter than the good coop they have - IMHO Arseny has a severe cold. But why the hell is this neck problem? And why is it so that he obviously cannot see with one eye and hardly can see anything with another eye?

I know, real farmers solve this easily.

But even Jan Jaap whom Arseny treated daily as a male competitor - feels sorry for the rooster who is in pain and shit for the reasons yet unknown to us.

Пересспрошу что ли кратко по-русски? Любимого петуха скривило совсем - за пару дней до того - неделю надаз - было видно что есть проблемы, сначала с ориентацией как бы, - в понедельник изолировала, живет внтри дома в большой картонной коробке, кормлю насильно и пою тоже, заметно температура, перекосило и часто не стоитна ногах, пока даю минимальные дозы парацетамола и добавляю мегадозы витаминов, со вторника кормлю-пою насильно супер-питательными смесями, а, да, поноса нет.

Чем помочь?

No, there is no extra mucous in the eyes, but they look as is he overused drugs or so...

Please give advice in ENG - NL- RUS -- приму советы что делать (нет, к вету не поедем, спасибо).
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