The ‘Drug Provision’ of the Higher Education Act is possibly the
right wing's worst direct assault on America's students. It’s an
amendment to the Higher Education Act that strips all federal
education assistance, (including all loans and all work-study funds)
from any student with any drug-related conviction. This includes
non-violent, first-time misdemeanor marijuana possession, which is
the most common drug conviction in America.
To date, the ‘Drug Provision’ has denied 153,000 students an
affordable college education, and deterred countless thousands more
from even applying. And now the Bush administration has chosen to
vigorously expand enforcement, ensuring many more will be locked out
of a better, more productive life.
Together with the NAACP and the ACLU, Click Back America is committed
to getting the ‘Drug Provision’ repealed. Because the Higher
Education Act is up for renewal, the next few weeks are the best
chance we’ve had in five years to get Congress to take action on this
This is more than a petition, it’s a campaign. We’ll deliver your
signatures to the most critical members of Congress. As the issue
unfolds, we’ll stay in touch and let you know when your specific
representatives need to hear from you directly, and what else you can
do to help.
Here are just a few of the reasons to oppose the ‘Drug Provision’:
1) It slams the door on students struggling to use education to build
a better life. That increases the likelihood of repeat offenses and
more serious crimes.
2) All students covered by the “drug provision” have already been
punished by a judge who had the option of withholding educational
assistance. That means the “drug provision” only actually affects
students in cases where judges have decided NOT to cut these funds,
usurping the role of the courts and virtually guarantees that the law
is only applied in cases where it is NOT appropriate.
3) It primarily hurts the poor - wealthier students are less likely
to be convicted of drug offenses, and can attend college even without
the federal aid if necessary.
4) Drug convictions fall disproportionately on racial minorities, and
this law transfers that well documented discrimination into
educational access and the chance for a better future.
5) The ‘Drug Provision’ has resulted in absolutely no measurable
reduction in drug use among any segment of the population.
So far, hundreds of thousands of students have been denied an
education so that the Bush administration can score political points
with their conservative base. It’s time we took our future back.
Please sign this petition and help me and others like me get an education