I've never done these before! Excuse my total newb-ness!!
Yuletide was revealed, but that doesn't count. Nothing, I was too busy prepping for February.
Self Possession (CM)
Career Path (WW)
Tuck (In) (OC)
Don't Preach (pop)
I'll Show You Mine (ST: AOS)
Quiet Companionship (Blood Jewels)
Any Port (HL)
Succession (Kushiel-verse)
Physical Geography (Study-verse)
Orientalism (Jossverse)
Cultural Literacy (BDB)
Day Job (bandom)
Place of Origin (Avatar)
A Little More Mascara (bandom)
Self-Defense Mechanisms (bandom/HP)
Self Investigation (L&O: SVU)
Treat (HP)
End of the Rainbow (ST: AOS)
Evidently I was failcakes in this month as well.
Not Worth Mentioning (NCIS: LA)
What to Expect (bandom, MCR)
Nine Days a Week (GW)
The Cocoa Cure (bandom MCR/TYV)
Farenheit or Centigrade (bandom, Empires)
Prison of the Mind (bandom, MCR/Panic/TYV)
DSM (bandom, MCR/Panic/TYV)
Black Ice (bandom, TYV/Empires)
The Great Pog Champion of Atlantis (bandom (TYV)/SGA)
Seven Nights (OC)
Nine Simple Isotopes (WC)
Apple Pie, and Other Dangerous Pastries (SPN)
Walk Closely Together (WC)
Blue Plate Special (bandom, Panic/TYV/MCR)
Placeholders for:
bandomstuffsit fic (bandom)
yuletide fic (not telling)
3. The latest in the
One Night Stand series that will be up probably in a couple of days. (MCR/SGA)
4. The CM fic that I WILL finish and post by the end of the year so that I can have ONE damn bingo within
hc_bingo before deadline. (CM)
Number of fics: 36
Collective word count: 180,209 (plus whatever the CM fic ends up being)
Shortest fic: 541
Longest fic: 36,971 (this feels a little lackluster, all things considered)
Slash: 11
Gen: 18
Het: 3
Femslash: 1 (I should fix that)
Threesome/some type of mix: 3
G: 13
PG: 12
PG13: 5
R: 3
NC-17: 3
And the part where I answer questions about what I'm thinking about my own writing. *wavy hands of nervousness*
Favorite of the year: Hmmm. Probably,
The Great Pog Champion of Atlantis not so much for story quality but because it was so much fun to write, and I had never done age regression, so it was something new, which I'm always pretty into.
Best of the year: I'm really bad at judging my own work, as anyone who knows me can attest to. I would have to guess
Nine Simple Isotopes. It was one of those stories where I was able to actually work with canon, and I felt like my prose was a little bit stronger in that one than usual.
Most underapreciated: I kinda feel like I laughed at this question for a really long time. Um,
Quiet Companionship? Because, y'know, three people read in that fandom. I just feel like, for all the flaws that canon-text has (and OMG...) that Karla and Surreal are both amazingly awesome characters and I think they deserve way more attention than they get. Plus, I really like that story for what it says about female friendship and trying to understand someone who comes from a different place than you.
Most fun to write: I thought this one would be easy, but looking at the list, not so much. I think I'm going to have to go with
Walk Closely Together. It's in a new fandom for me, and all shiny and exciting, and I got to be all ridic with the h/c and yeah, it was just good times all around.
Sexiest fic: Uh...do I write sexy fic? Idk, I guess maybe
A Little More Mascara? Yeah, probably.
"Holy crap, that's wrong even for you": This is kinda the wrong year for this question. For my really wrong fics, you have to go back to late HP. I mean, I deflower an angel and have child (young child) prostitution in
Apple Pie, and Other Dangerous Pastries, and Ryan is object-raped in
Blue Plate Special, and Neal has semi-un-anesthetized brain surgery in
Walk Closely Together, but I feel like that's all kind of par-for-the-course with me, you know?
Fic that shifted my own preconceptions of the characters: I almost hate to admit it, but
What to Expect. Mostly with Alicia, because I hadn't thought much about her before I sat down to write that fic, mostly because I generally try to leave the wives and girlfriends whom I don't see as pubic figures alone, and Alicia is in a borderline space where I'm never really sure how I feel about writing her. But I was glad I did, because, I don't know, it allowed me to fall so much more in love with her? This fic was also interesting in that it was being written while we learned that Bob and MCR had split, so I had a lot of perception shifting around who these characters were that couldn't always work into the fic.
Hardest to write: Also
What to Expect, because of the aforementioned split, and how not-well I was doing with it. I was also finishing out my first year of law school and prepping to go overseas for a summer and all in all, it just was not an easy write.
Biggest disappointment:
Apple Pie, and Other Dangerous Pastries, hands down. I loved writing it, and I'm glad that there's a Dean/Lisa/Cas fic in the world (not to mention Jody/Sam) but it just would NOT do what I wanted it to do and there were so many things about it that I couldn't fix.
Biggest surprise:
Prison of the Mind. I really never expected to return to this 'verse or be terribly at ease with it, for a lot of reasons, but once I had, I just fell in love all over again and I think it shows.
Most telling: Again, I feel like this wasn't the year for that, that for that you have to go back to early bandom, but probably
Blue Plate Special, for the way the dynamics of friendship work in that fic. I think that fic is sort of the height of me trying to put right the things I can't change in my own world, which, honestly, is part of why I think it took so damn long to write, despite being pretty classic me-fic. Alternately, reading Dean in
Apple Pie, and Other Dangerous Pastries probably tells a person a sickening amount about me, although, possibly not in the more obvious ways. It's pretty obvious that a lot of my fic is wish-fulfillment in the sense that in the world, what gets broken rarely, if ever, gets fixed, so in some ways it's hard to say that any of my fics are not revealing, because there's never a time when there's not a part of me being flashed before all to see when I post. But yeah, generally if you can find the most fucked up character in my most fucked up fic? I'm probably saying something about myself, in one way or another.
ETA: As a last note, after talking with someone who's really good for me and is trying to help me be better for myself, I should say this -- I've had a pretty tough year. Not my toughest year ever, but as most of those were defined by deaths of close loved ones and/or very nearly killing myself, I feel like that doesn't really undermine the toughness of this one. And I'm really mean to myself about just about anything and everything, but here's what is awesome about this list:
1. I did all 14 days of 14v, which is important to me, because I think fiction about women is underrepresented in fandom.
2. I have never yet defaulted on a challenge or a fest, not in nearly 12 years of fandom. I had to ask to be a few days late on my BBB this year, which is the first time I have EVER asked for an extension, but I got it in, and it was finished and even semi-polished by the time I submitted.
3. I'm NOT going to finish the blackout that I really wanted to have by the deadline for the hc_bingo, but I will have written fifteen of the twenty-five squares by the end of the year, and all of them as full-fledged 1k+ fics.
4. I wrote in several fandoms I'd never written in before, and tried a few new tropes. I worked really hard to try and write fics that recipients in my challenges would enjoy, and even if it didn't always happen, the effort was truly there.
5. I wrote an SPN fic that I knew almost nobody would read because I wanted to, and because, honestly, I felt like the fandom needed more woman-positive fic.
6. The word count above isn't really representative of my output this year. As my friend pointed out to me, I've probably topped 50k (easy) in the email fics we've been chaining. They're self-indulgent and silly and wonderful. It's been a long time since I had someone I could email chain with and I've missed it and I'm glad I spent that time when I maybe could have been writing something to post, just filling in universes for the two of us.
The point being, I have a really hard time being proud of myself. But I'm trying, and the six points above, they're good reasons to be proud, I think.