And its just me and all the memories to follow

Jun 05, 2009 11:06

First meme gakked from amand_r, second gakked from turps33, third from everyone, but mostly crowgirl13

1. Name: Tehila (no. really.)

2. Birthday: July 15. Let's acknowledge that I just got over one million years of issues to type in that information.

3. Where do you live: Boston, for another 21 days.

4: What are you studying/What are you working as: Atm, I babysit five members of a University faculty. I love them, even when I want to kill them, for truthsies.

5. What makes you happy: I'm working on figuring this out. I used to know, but it's been an interesting year. Snuggling with my friends does, that's a pretty sure bet. When a story is coming along easily. Finding a story that hits the right spot.

6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Nothing at the moment, but I've had Dar William's "What do I hear in these sounds?" stuck in my head all morning. If that's not commentary, man.

7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: (in reference to amand_r) You and the other ho-women saved my life by being funny ten years ago. Every time I laugh at something in your journal, I'm reminded of that. Plus, I really like seeing the bebe.

8. An interesting fact about you: This is always such a weird one to answer. How do I know what's interesting about me, I live inside my own head. Um, people seem to find it funny that my favorite dogs are bigger than I am.

9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Nope.

10. Favorite place to be: Hard to say. In a larger sense? New York City, almost any part. In a smaller sense? My friend's couch.

11. Favorite lyric: "I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches call it home."

12. Best time of the year: Autumn. Especially up here or in the midwest, where the leaves change and the promise of real winter is in the air and I feel safe outside again.

13. Weirdest food you like: Hm. Again, hard question, since clearly I don't think it's weird. I don't like French Toast. Lots of people seem to find that weird. Nor do I like Kugel, which officially makes me Not A Jew. Oh! But I like unsweetened kugel, which most people find weird given my distaste for normal kugel. Yeah, I know, that doesn't really count. Go with it.


1. A film: Hm, I don't watch many movies. And it sort of depends on what I'm looking for out of a movie? I guess I'm going with the original The Day the Earth Stood Still. I'm not a huge early sci-fi girl, but that movie is so incredible in what it says about humanity and it's hope. I love it.

2. A book: I just finished Transformation by Carol Berg, and if you're into fantasy at all, I really can't recommend it highly enough. Fantastic world building, great characters, everything you could possibly want from a quality fantasy novel.

3. A song: I Won't Be Your Yoko Ono, by Dar Williams. (Um, honestly, anything by her.)

4: A band: Enter the Haggis


1. One thing you like about me: Again, in relation to amand_r. I think you need a change. I think you're smart in all these ways you never acknowledge. I think I'm grateful for every day when we say stupid things to each other.

2. Two things you like about yourself: Funnily enough, recently two different friends have told me things that I actually believe, which is new and fun. So, 1) I am a good listener in that I actually listen to what other people are saying and try to help based on that, and 2) I have a knack for making my friends feel special and valuable--as they are.

3. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you?

1. You can ONLY answer 'Yes' or 'No'.

2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks-and, believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming. Nothing is exactly as it seems.

Kissed any one of your LiveJournal friends? - yes

Been arrested? - no

Kissed someone you didn't like? - yes

Slept in until 5 PM? - yes

Fallen asleep at work/school? - yes

Held a snake? - no

Ran a red light? - no

Been suspended from school? - no

Experienced love at first sight? - no

Totaled your car in an accident? - no

Been fired from a job? - no

Fired somebody? - no

Sung karaoke? - no

Pointed a gun at someone? - no

Did something you told yourself you wouldn't? - yes

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? - yes

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - yes

Kissed in the rain? - no

Had a close brush with death (your own)? - no

Saw someone die? - no

Played Spin-the-Bottle? - no

Smoked a cigar? - no

Sat on a rooftop? - no

Smuggled something into another country? - no

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? - no

Broken a bone? - no

Skipped school? - no

Eaten a bug? - no

Sleepwalked? - no

Walked on a moonlit beach? - no

Ridden a motorcycle? - no

Dumped someone? - yes

Forgotten your anniversary? - no

Lied to avoid a ticket? - no

Ridden in a helicopter? - no

Shaved your head? - no

Blacked out from drinking? - no

Played a prank on someone? - no

Hit a home run? - no

Felt like killing someone? - no

Cross-dressed? - yes

Been falling-down drunk? - no

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? - yes

Eaten snake? - no

Marched/Protested? - yes

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? - no

Puked on an amusement ride? - no

Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? - yes

Been in a band? - no

Knitted? - no

Been on TV? - no

Shot a gun? - no

Skinny-dipped? - no

Given someone stitches? - no

Eaten a whole habenero pepper? - no

Ridden a surfboard? - no

Drunk straight from a liquor bottle? - no

Had surgery? - yes

Streaked? - no

Been taken by ambulance to a hospital? - no

Tripped on mushrooms? - no

Passed out when NOT drinking? - yes

Peed on a bush? - yes

Donated Blood? - no

Grabbed electric fence? - no

Eaten alligator meat? -- no

Eaten cheesecake? - yes

Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? - no

Killed an animal when not hunting? - no

Peed your pants in public? - yes

Snuck into a movie without paying? -- no

Written graffiti? - no

Still love someone you shouldn't? - yes

Think about the future? - yes

Been in handcuffs? - no

Believe in love? - yes

Sleep on a certain side of the bed? - yes

Wow--we have learned from this, ladies and gents, that I am incredibly boring. Huh.

Here, now that you've wisely skipped over those cuts, have a fandom one:

Pick a fandom of the ones listed below, and I'll tell you:

A character(s) I like:

A character(s) I dislike:

Character I love that other people don't:

Character everyone else loves that I don't:

Character with the best hair:

Character with the best eyes:

Character with the best smile:

Character I'd kiss:

A pairing(s) I like:

A pairing I dislike:

Bandslash, HP, popslash, XF, HL, CM, PotC, SG-1, SGA, joss-verse (except Dollhouse), NCIS (thru beginning S4), BDB, GW. Go.
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