In no particular order. I saw it three times over the last four days, so, like, it's sunk in, but I'm also exhausted, so unlikely to remember lots of things I want to talk about.
1. Natasha has a very rough movie. Like, I'm willing to say maybe even rougher than Steve. Proof: her face a) when Steve gets mad at her on the Lemurian Star, b) when she tells Sam everyone they know is trying to kill them/talks about not knowing what the hell she's doing with Steve, and c) when Nick says he wasn't sure who to trust.
2. Sam Wilson could probably go toe to toe with Phil Coulson on Captain America fanboying, and I love it.
3. EVERYTHING about the "but I knew him" scene. I can't even. I could watch that scene EIGHT BILLION TIMES and it would not be enough. His confusion, his subservience, his fear. I just, I can't. And the fact that he basically NEVER makes a noise at any other point in the movie? Like, Steve dislocates his fucking shoulder and he just kind of grunts softly.
3a. Also, the visual of him hanging from the metal arm, the visual analogy of that whole scene, uggggh.
3b. And the fact that he uses the metal arm for EVERYTHING after the shoulder thing. (Just so you know, Steve is heavier than he looks.)
4. The humor in this is sweet and I feel like not enough people laugh. Steve's comment about food and polio? Amazing. Sam's manpurse thing? Also amazing.
5. I really want for it to have taken one billion takes to get that 'speciman' line out, b/c either CEvans or ScarJo couldn't stop laughing.
6. I love everything they've chosen to make Maria in the MCU. I thought I couldn't love her anymore, but then she is the first person to back Cap and it's amazing. Also, her and Sam need to have a drama-free relationship that's a) hot and b) allows them to mock everyone else. With love.
7. When Sam asks Steve what makes him happy and he doesn't know? Breaks my heart. Also, I want you to go off and be your little artist self, Steven.
8. Ugggggh, the scene with Peggy. I feel like she kind of knows? With the comment about starting over? But just, oh man, his FACE when she loses time.
9. Visually, this movie was beautiful kind of all the time. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about the sound editing, tbh. The score is just ridiculously smart.
10. I'm glad Steve has his shield in the last scene, but I really want the scene where Nat and Sam call Tony and are like, "Yeah, we need you to do some diving in the Potomac, b/c Cap is going to be SO SAD." Nobody wants to make Captain America cry. Well, except the Winter Soldier.