Because I am depressed and this is way more productive than anything else my brain wants to post right now.
Fora moment, Rhodey flashed back to Tony as a kid, absolutely no transition space between his sharp defenses and expansive generosity.
At first, they'd sewn him together, but it became clear that the pieces almost always rejected their way out through the stitches.
Because she is his wife and because he loves her, he looks at the ground and says softly, "The need of a child who still wakes up alone and on a galley somenights, most likely."
The system had been created specifically for people like Clint, who were toovaluable to be incarcerated and too dangerous to be let go.
Instead he forces himself to his feet, forces himself to ignore the strangeness of their completely natural functions, and goes to the wall, the one that can show him space with the press of a button.