Mar 25, 2009 21:56
Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary Wollstonecraft, Rosa Parks, to name a few, were all people from my world--some still live today--who fought against an oppressive and unfair system. Apartheit, independance, women's rights, the first step to stopping racial segregation-- they were only people, small people who many would not remember, if not for the fact that they taught us a lesson, and continue to teach us lessons even now: if you are being opressed, you have every right to stand up to your opressors.
The pros of the governing system in the City:
- dead people come back to life; which in itself should not happen, but those who've lost a loved one, or those who've lost themselves, to Death, gladly welcome this point
- alimony towards underage children
- the allowance of a police force, warden, jail, etc.
- the 'equivalent exchange' with the deities: one thing you need, for one thing they want from you.
The cons of the governing system in the City:
- we are just puppets to the Deities' whims
- curses; sometimes, they're not that bad, but most of the time, they are
- no way out
The deities should acknowledge that we are human (or any other creature of any sort), and as such we have our rights. Among those rights is the one to life, which implies the bigger amount of control over our own destinies. In other words, no curses.
In the spirit of Gandhi, on the 31st of March, at noon, in the City square, let us gather up in a non-violent protest march. Bring your own banners. It'll save the City buildings their graffitties.
[ooc; Gertrude Yorkes, ladies and gents. Planning marches since she was fourteen, and a couple of deities won't stop here now~!]
i see what you did there,
used to be a teenage protester,
revolutions you say?,
old lace for president!