A Formal Letter to Anyone It May Concern...

May 13, 2005 22:38

Dear God or Higher Power/Being,

I know I don't normally do this whole addressing "you" ("it"?) thing, but I'm kind of desperate. If there is any way you could affect the outcome of my Disney Atmospheric Character Audition tomorrow, that'd be great. Because I really need this job, and I really want it more than anything in the world. Perhaps you've decided to hold out on me in the love department because you were going to help me out with getting this? I'd be really happy if you did decide that, even if I whine and moan about being alone 24/7/365. I would really like to get this job, because I think I could be really happy/do really well there. I want this with every fiber of my being....I want to make little kids and teenagers and young at heart adults happy just by wearing a costume and walking around without speaking. I want to be a part of the magic that only the Happiest Place On Earth can give you. I want to make the "kissy" noise that all the characters make because that is the only sound Fuzzies are allowed to make.

Please, I really need this job. I would really like to get it, or at least make it to callbacks. Because I think I could take it from there if you helped me get to the callbacks. I swear that I'll be a better person if you lend me a helping hand here. I've never wanted anything more badly in my entire life.

Jennifer Sanett


I'm really nervous. Any texts or voicemails of support and happiness will be greatly appreciated tomorrow, because I am going to be a nervous wreck. If you don't know my number....it's 648-4767. I know I just put it on the internet, but I really am desperate for the love and happy messages.

Because if I don't get this, I don't know what I'll do with myself.

Ciao everyone....wish me luck please!!!!
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