
Jul 28, 2006 07:46

(i think this is fake, but whatever)

...and heres some of the conversation that went on (theres a LOT more now), but its hard to follow, so sorry, but feel free to jump in-... im a bored little boy right now!

*arsenic480: damn, that guy got owned by that building!
*Babx111111: you sick motherfu*** this is a man who died on 911 for petes sake!! you are heartless...
*arsenic480: im not heartless. im just not very patriotic, and i dont think half the people that freaked out about this were. they were scared, and they focused it into anger... its a defense mechanism. i dont mean to sound like an ass, but this shit happened and i was over it a few years ago.
*kaleena08: I agree.
*Pattyjean: You would sure feel different if that was your dad talking on the phone that day.
*arsenic480: yeah... i wouldnt have a dad anymore.
*arsenic480: ...also, i think this is fake too. there are people out there far more "heartless" than me. isnt it strange how this video is released almost 5 years after this happened? its why this video didnt make me bat an eyelash. it was crazy sounding, but it just doesnt seem real... listen to the way the emergency operators react. they seem pretty fucking non-chalant about it.
*Babx111111: whatever it was still horrible :(
*arsenic480: DAMN that was a fast response 0_o... haha, i just reloaded the page.
death is pretty awful; especially at someone elses hand, but its not something i can get into my cardboard time machine and fix, so why keep bringing it up? were killing JUST AS MANY people in the middle east, and most of them were just as innocent. you dont seem very upset about that. NO ONE here does-... so, were better than them i take it?
*kaleena08: Like your other comments...I agree. Thanks for saying what I was thinking.
*Tmacxb: actually what we do over there prevents more of this from happening. you don't see us doing the worst thing possible like they did to us, do you? otherwise that shithole would be one giant piece of glass because we've got the power to what we want, but we show compassion unlike those bastards who attack without reason or warning. we are better than them.
*Smokingelephant: come on man, prevents? Violence prevents violence? no way...
*Jakobm: yep - overwhelming and unrelenting violence against
ones enemies - till they are all dead -
pretty much ends the violence.

so yeah -
u got one right - for a change.
*arsenic480: fighting for freedom... like fucking for virginity.
*mrg5150: "fighting for freedom... like fucking for virginity." excuse me, but you are a blithering idiot. if we don't fight for freedom, we won't be free.
*arsenic480: i was making a comment on how anti-productive this seems for the world, not JUST us. i may be an idiot, but im not fucking selfish and thoughtless when it comes to foreign countries. you know, it wasnt ALL of the middle east that bombed us, just a syndicate there. so, this really is becoming senseless violence. oh, and fuck you.
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