B'day pic to Tezuka and Kato(be) XD~ *smacked*

Oct 07, 2007 07:11

Well, I have draw some Quick (really...just 7 minutes and it's done~) Oekaki for them ^^

Title : テニス部からの贈り物 (Gift from the Tennis Club)
Rating : G (but if somebody said it was SM...then please think positive >D *stabbed by lacerta beam saber)
Character : (k)Atobe & Tezuka *dirajam*
Dedicated to : My friends that request their drawing =D (smacked two birds with one stone right? >D *gets killed*

click the pic to view

Such a short entry... I don't know what should I type... ^^; haah... I want some yagyuu-niou or sanada-yukimura photoshoot T__T ウィヂ姉さーーーん,フオトシュトしようよ~~(*≧▽≦*)ノ *killed by my sis* (NOOOO!! I'M NARCIST NOW!!! ≧△≦;;) but since I was too lazy EVEN to take the wig on my hobby room まぁ...いっか~ -.-;

Aaah...the fasting month is almost over... T__T zannen desu ne...and this is my last "leha-leha" holiday too on my 3rd grade ^^; well, I think I just enjoy it till the end =D~~

Still have to work on my "Karya Ilmiah" assignment and Art subject assignment... ^^; and coloring ravient Silver Pair, my friend's Ryoma, and reguretto InuKai pic (gomen... T_T I suddenly got a quarter art-block... *wth* that makes me lazy to draw a serious drawing...I'll try to finish that ASAP >o>; )

Well then, Arsen, Taking OFF!! =D

kato, tezuka, atobe, birthday gift

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