BAS 011, New Scanner xD~

Aug 01, 2008 19:00

BAS 11 has been uploaded by
luciae  !!!! *hugglesglompkisses* THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! ^o^

Wata2....arigatouuuu!!!! T^T you really make me didn't feel disappointed <33333

neechan, please buy this and luke's one for me there XDDDD *killed by lacerta beam saber*

btw, finally I bought new printer >A<;; because the last one must pay for the service fee and I must go to tampines to claim the warranty... -_-;; HELL NO!! I hate you epson DD8

and the scanner of my new printer is workingg~~~ <333 Yay!!

Pairing : Sanada x Penguins... Victim : Yukimura 8D *killed*

and I also made 8018 fanart for
viyana, but it still hasn't been finished yet so I didn't scan it ^^;

Yesterday I also p-chat with miccan and ravient ^^

Yamamoto by
miccan, Hibari by me, and Dino by
ravient  ^^, btw hibari wearing pink apron was my idea~ 8DD *kamikorosu-ed*

this is my first time p-chat....gomen if it's messed up m(T___T)m

P.S : my left index finger still can't hold a cutter yet TAT; hope I can get better soon because I have a lot of assignment that requires cutting >_<;

P.S :
rions-senpai, good luck with your assignment too~ 後 また一緒にカラオケしましょうね? (^▽^)/

Well then, Arsen, Taking off~ *^▽^*

reborn, fanart, random, tenipuri, real life, p-chat, rants

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