(no subject)

Jun 12, 2008 08:10

I will marry Hijiri Shinotani.

After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Bintan Island in our fabulous Apartment.
We will have 6 kid(s) together.

Our family will zoom around in a Amethyst Toyota Harrier.
I will spend my days as a Artist, and live happily ever after.

HIJIRIIII~~~~ XD ahahaha but I think I'll melt for his cute-ness first


6 Kids....Hey kids, wanna form a vocal band with your papa??? XDDD *killed*

Amethyst Toyota Harrier!!!! *o* ME WANTS!!!! <3333

YAY! Artist!!! XD~~~~~~~~~~

P.S : Still laughing over my sis meme that always having about the same result even she tried several times  XDDD *smacked*

Well, I'll be at Singapore on 28th June till 1st July, then preparing in Indonesia until 9th July, and goes off to Singapore again until my holiday at November, for the Singaporeans. Yoroshiku~~ ^o^/

Wish me that my Student pass can be done without any problems ne.. >w<

Well then, Arsen, Taking off~~ ^o^/

real life, meme

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