Astute visitors to my blog (and/or anyone who actually cares) may notice that I haven't been posting much lately at all. There are a couple of factors at work here (and for once, none of them are the well-worn excuse of being busy):
- It's been a tumultuous couple of months, and I've found myself amidst lots of change and challenges. That makes for writing about rocky times that I'm not sure anyone would really care to read.
- For many out there, Life's been similarly rocky. And to be very honest, that stuff is hard for me to read even in fair weather, so I've been avoiding the blogs a bit as a result.
- I'm finding myself turning more and more to short-form communication like Twitter or IM or Facebook actions. Maybe this a sign of the times: a general move towards microhumor and microcommunication and low-pixel smartphone photography and just less less less. Or maybe something bad is happening to my attention span. I'm still thinking about it.