I'm not entirely sure what I think about
this. P4CM stands for Passion for Christ Movement. Fine, another religious movement to go along with the hundreds of others and they haven't actually done anything to aggravate me (aside from substituting the number "4" for the word "for" God, I hate that. The only place that should be done is on a license plate.) But they sell t-shirts with "ex-whatever" written on them. I'm vaguely amused at the idea of wearing one ironically. (Though the ex-fornicator one would be true enough, I am married.) I think the ex-masturbater needs to have "but really frustrated" in small print beneath it.
There's an ex-homosexual shirt that I started to rant about, but decided that I was putting way more thought into it than it deserved. Functioning brain cells are at a premium and there's more important I could be burning brain power on.