Rocky Horror Halloween Show last night. I went as an elder god cultist.
nique was a very dapper devil.
lyssie was the sexiest (and jingliest) jester this side of mardi gras.
Key points of the evening?
Was hit on during the walk to the theater... by a soldier. This is somewhat puzzling considering underneath my hooded robe and heavy long coat, pretty much all that was visible of me was the lower half of my face and neck. Maybe it was the boots. At least he wasn't creepy about it. I tried to shoot him down nicely. Totally shook his hand with my Cthulu puppet. Oops.
While waiting in line we saw a girl dressed up as Bernie Brewer (right down to the blonde facial hair), a sperm wearing sunglasses, another sperm who raaan down the street and must have lost its tail in the process, Edward Scissorhands jumping in front of traffic and threatening individual cars, an evil robot expertedly constructed of cardboard boxes and tin foil, many skanky school girls and the Pope. Love it. I would totally dress my myself up in a Pope costume. Note to self: Check the internets during the off season for something cheap.
Garth from Waynes World, after directing the line into the theater (which ran all the way around the block incidentally) out of the street and back onto the sidewalk exclaiming, "I'm like fucking Moses!"
Thanks to the 90s themed preshow I will never ever be able to get the image of Riff-Raff and Magenta dressed up as Team Rocket's Jesse and James out of my head.
90s preshow also meant that there was fucking Quail Man onstage...
There was a costume contest. Jesus lost to a Wii-mote.
I refuse to believe that I was anywhere as near as annoying as the high school girls who sat in front of us when I was that young. Fortunately they quieted down once the movie started and left not long after that. They kept standing on their seats. I am not opposed to standing on seat. But I am when there's that much underage ass in my face. Do not do that, girls. It tempts me to push you over the balcony.
Nevertheless, an enjoyable time.