Aug 14, 2003 22:18
Oh there's so much to tell!
The mall lost power with the rest of the Northeast and Midwest. It was freakin cool.. nothing like that ever happens at the mall. SO. we didn't know what to do. We went to Olga's so they could all smoke and we could wait for it to go back on. No one knew anything about anything, so there's all these rumors flyin'. "They've lost power in California!" "It must be a terrorist action.." "There's a power plant burning in Detroit!" "No radio signals are working!" The only person who guessed it right was Rodney from DQ. Way to go! I was a complete doubter, but he showed me!
It was cool because Ryan was there, I ran into Josh (Josh Matt's friend, not Josh LaFeve), Matt was working, and Dustin was working. Yay. What a fun time. All my mall friends! Me and Josh chilled at Olga's for a bit with Ryan, went to SUbway where I got a free sub, then went and visited Matt at Clem's. Then we all went home because the mall officially closed at 6 when they finally realized that the power wasn't coming back on. It was scary though. I seriously thought I was going to die hanging out with Jennifer. ::Shudders::
I went home thinking it WAS indeed a terrorist act, all scared for my life, thinking of who I had to contact, etc. The power was on at my house. Never have I been so relieved and disappointed at the same time. Not that I wanted to die, but I wanted some crisis, some excitement in my life. Anyway. My mom shared her story (all of the smoke alarms went off at the same time and she had to have our fire-fighter neighbor turn them off because it was too loud for her to think, etc) and I shared mine. Good times. She said, "the power's back on, but the phone's not working!" all distressed. I went upstairs to watch the news, and the phone is off the hook. I hung it up, picked it up, and found a dial tone.. Oh mommy..
Since I unexpectedly got the night off, I wanted to do something outside. Joni and I went to Grand River Park and swang/swinged for a bit. Then I craved ice cream so we went to McDonald's. The power was out. The power was ON next door, and accross the street, but not at McDonald's. Bah. So we went to Buffalo's Southwest Cafe because we both were hungry and needed to pay with credit cards and that's the only place that would take them that was open. Good food. They wouldn't let me order off the kid's menu. Screw them. I got fries and a salad, but it was very filling.
Came home, got on the internet... The usual. Life is back to normal for most of us. Those in Holt, I guess.