Something completely different

Nov 01, 2009 17:07

Here's something not to do with NaNo: the slightly +100-word story I wrote for my French journal on Halloween. And I'm actually translating it, because I used carats for dialogue (like you do) and LJ is getting html-confused. 
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Adelaide. One day, when she was walking near the river, she saw a young boy.
"Hello," she said. "I come here often, but I've never seen you before. My name is Adelaide. What's your name?"
But the little boy only said, "You must not have looked hard enough."
"Do you come here often, too?"
"All the time."
He had a sad look, so Adelaide asked him, "Do you never leave?"
"Don't you want to go home?"
"All the time."
"Why don't you?"
But the boy smiled at the river. "Because I have bad luck."
Adelaide did not understand, so she didn't say anything. After a long moment, the young boy said, "You should go home before nightfall. Your parents will be missing you."
"If I come again tomorrow, will I see you?"
But Adelaide came the next day, and the one after that, and many times after, but she never saw the little boy again. 


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