Optimism slows and stutters

May 29, 2009 17:12

 The wheel never stops turning, Badger.

News things: 
Keep an eye on this one. Victory for today, but they're bound to try again, so the lobbying must continue.
And OMG she's gorgeous... DW  companion for Matt Smith's Doctor announced. I mean, adorable and beautiful and ginger... but don't they need another guy companion some time? To be fair, there's never been a guy companion when there wasn't also girl companion, and maybe they don't want a cast of three. (Want me to prove that? I can. I wrote that paper, chiennes.) Though a larger cast also lets them have episodes entirely in the TARDIS, like in Castrovalva. Oh, wait. That episode was freakin' boring.

Random life stuffs...
Didn't get the internship or the library job. Applied at about twelve retail places instead. Still waiting. Gah.
My room now has two computers, one of which basically has dimensia. It doesn't have a broadband port; it's strictly dial-up... though I think we might have hooked up a USB wireless thingy once upon a time. Long ago. I'm hoping to resurrect it so that I can play my oldschool games. Namely, these ones. So oldschool they run on "Windows 95/ME/98." Honestly.
I brought my complete collection of JK Rowling's writings so far, which is a hell of a stack of books, and Europe, A History, which deserves its name. And others, of course. Like... all the Card Captor Sakura manga. I'm trying to figure out what's going on in Tsubasa, stop judging me!
I had my birthday. It was dangerous. I was allowed to go shopping.... and now I can't really stop. Though I very much have to, because without a job my income is nil. *sigh*

life:work, life:personal, politics, vg:pc games, tv:firefly, books:harry potter, tv:doctor who

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