020 ► TEXT ► at the ready.

Oct 12, 2008 14:15


Mr. and Mrs. Nox, sorry to cut your honeymoon short, but we've got a situation. And for real, this time. Skuld's just told me that something bad is coming, and goddesses don't lie. Now, supposing it's an Entropi attack, what's our strategy? That question goes for you, too, Selphie, and speaking of which, think you could come down to Dor-Enas and back me up here, in case something happens? Or would it be better for us to all come together in one place?

PRIVATE ► unhackable.

So much has happened in the last few days, it's not even funny. There's Luther, who's claiming to be Albel's player, and that the person who's playing me is out to get him. He doesn't seem like a threat, considering that this isn't the Eternal Sphere; the only problem I really have with him is that having him around makes it impossible to lock away my memories of Sophia's death. I've been... trying to forget that for quite sometime now. Or trying not to think about that, at the very least.

And then that man, Sephiroth. Apparently, Aerith had died and, well, he was the one who killed her. Oh, Apris, I worry about her. She seems to be taking it well, but...

If she's been brought back from the dead, could it be...?

I'm glad the festival happened without anything falling apart, especially the wedding. And I gotta applaud Selphie; if we're truly about to be in trouble here, then she picked the perfect time to get those two hitched.

Damn it, I've been reckless. Distracted. My mistake.

mod plot, getting ready to rumble, au: sheifa, ou: selphie, au: albel

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