State of the Me: I'm doing okay, more or less. Work is work and while it's less crazy busy, it gets nutty sometimes which translates into me being braindead for anything other than watching trashy Lifetime movies.
Anatoly Sergievsky: He has been hit by the Heavy Plot hammer and how! He's seen Chess (both versions) with Freddie, which is still being threaded out and is attempting to cope with the fact that he really behaved like an ass and that Freddie, while also behaving like an ass, had some very valid reasons for acting the way he did. If I may be a dork and quote from their musical, "it took time to understand the man" and while they will probably never be bffs, the violent public fighting may stop. For awhile.
Homeplot Session 1 is going to utterly devastate him. As much as he loves his adopted children, he misses his own and getting to see them in homeplot and lose them so abruptly - he will not cope well. At all. He'll hide it as best he can but he's not quite so good at that anymore as he used to be so there's that. I'm not sure yet if he will just Not Deal by just not speaking about it all or actively avoiding everyone he can. It depends on how the aftermath when he wakes up back on the Island plays out.
Wanted Threads: As always, the usual suspects. His Russian students. Small children. People with small children. Clark. Everyone is welcome.
Cissie King-Jones: Cissie is going through some plottiness of her own. There's the thing with Bart. They might spend a lot of time together and decide to do things spontaneously but they're not dating. Really. She's recognized that she's got a crush on him but she's determined that nothing's going to come of it and she'll keep doing it up to the point when it is demonstrated in detail (powerpoint and incriminating photos optional) that dating is what they have been doing.
There's also some unfinished business with Luke. She really liked him and she's really angry that he didn't tell her anything about himself while she told him just about everything. She can't let something like that slide, especially now that she's met Percy so there will be Things Happening.
Wanted Threads: Everyone! Bart, Cassie, Kon, Tim. Alexis. Claire. Jason. Luke. Percy. Emma. Seriously - everyone is encouraged.