time slayas

Mar 10, 2009 19:47

Been thinking a lot about rituals and routines lately, found this site to be pretty interesting.


Its not very beefy, but makes you kinda consider how many different ways there are to arrange and take advantage of the hours, darkness, or lightness of the day. Its mainly interesting to hear how writers do it- most wake up damn ass early, spend a lot of time in solitude and in nap world. How is it that the best hours happen to be around midnight, around 2 am, but also around six am?
I might invent a life that involves being awake for all of these times, and then dividing my sleep into 3 large naps, coyote style.
We don't have to stay up late drinking pitchers of beer either, we could get up at 5am and see the world and all that secret type of shit and still make out ok!
Our lives might also be ruled by our 9-5's or something like that.
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