(no subject)

May 20, 2005 13:51

I've edited the last portion of my story, but it isn't finished yet; I'm feeling a little stuck these last few days. It probably doesn't help that I am incredibly mopey today.

I picked up a book on Wednesday (well, I got a few, but particularly this one) called Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters. Basically, it is the results of what Steinbeck did during the writing of that particular novel. When he was stuck, he would write a letter (not sent) to a dear friend of his on the left side of a notebook, to flex his creative muscle; on the right side, he would put what he had written for the novel that day. This is very interesting to me; I think I might try that. I have a huge notebook that is just sitting here idly; it will get good use that way!
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