Title: Synth
Author: QueencestQueen
Pairings: Oliver/Thea (Tholiver)
Whole Story Rating: NC-17 (or E, depending on the rating system)
Chapter Rating: PG (or K+, depending on the rating system)
Summary: [Tholiver] In a parallel present where the latest must-have gadget for any busy family is a ‘Synth’ - a highly-developed robot. To the surprise of both his parents, Oliver Queen’s very first and only Synth is a Growth Series Synthetic that he names Thea. However, Thea isn’t just the average 'GSS’ and that becomes all too clear after her eighteenth birthday when Leo Elster shows up on their doorstep. [A HUMANS inspired /Crossover story.]
- Italicized words are thoughts, flashbacks, as well as emphasized words.
- In honor of our beloved show's series finale tonight, a new chapter!
- Dedicated to Gaia, you've had a rough couple of months and I know that one chapter of a fanfiction can't help, but I hope this makes you smile for awhile
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of this author. This author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: I am heartbroken about the loss of our beloved show, doves, and I know you all are too so... *group hug* I am SO, SO, SO, SORRY it's literally taken me years to update. Life, you know? Plus, writer's block is a major bitch, but I have been writing this whole time and I will CONTINUE to write. The show may be ending, but my love for this ship will never die. I will go down with ship, doves, and I hope you all will be here as I continue to create. *group hug again*
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