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Episode Summary: DAVID RAMSEY DIRECTS HIS FIRST EPISODE OF ARROW - The past comes back to haunt both Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Curtis (Echo Kellum) is upset when he discovers that Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) have restarted The Ghost Initiative with Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo),
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now laurel2 is claiming the earth 2 version of him killed her father? that's weird, from the flashback, it seemed like he was her pimp. i mean, when she gets her powers and goes to kill him, she calls him by name, says she learned some new trick, and he seems to know her... that wouldn't make sense if she had been some 13 year old kid from however many years ago that he had that drunken accident.
is it possible she's making it all up? but then, why add the birthday part? hmm.
and if he isn't earth2 sleazebag... how does he know laurel1? because laurel1 was a relative angel compared to laurel2 on her earth. or at least, she never had a pimp...
when curtis got his great idea about the bombs in people's heads... i was thinking that he was thinking along the lines of felicity's spinal implant. he could arrange something like that to paralyze wayward suicide squad ghosts, rather than exploding their heads.
or perhaps a way to control their bodies with more precision, even.
but mind control... annnnd curtis finds that less evil than bombs? tsk tsk, curtis! mentally torturing diaz. well. couldn't happen to a nicer guy :X
i was scared, though, when diaz killed him.
PS: did we ever figure out who guy #4 is? diaz, we know. carrie cutter and china white we know. i know i've seen that other guy before, but blasted if i can remember. i seem to think he had some kind of invulnerability power? but who the heck is he??? what's his schtick? and was he policeman #3 in the elseworlds thing? (along with diaz and malcolm merlyn? because he never seemed that big of a bad guy to me. why was he even there?? why is he even here now? :X )
Well, maybe Curtis is starting to become Mister Terrific, doing more terrifying things to people. lol
Maybe we had never seen some of the bad guys in the new suicide squad before, just to have a bigger group. If we did, they were really minor character if none of us remembers them. lol
I rarely pay attention to random policeman even if they have a line or two to say, so I would not know if some of them were in Elseworls or not.
i'm pretty sure we saw that guy before. yeah, like in one episode. or... a half an episode. :/
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