Prompt Post 1

Oct 22, 2012 20:31

Please read through all the rules before posting. Posts that do not comply with the rules may be deleted if necessary.

Kink Meme Rules:
  • You may post prompts, fills and comments anonymously or not, it is your choice. If you choose to un-anon, you may post fills here or elsewhere and post the link here.
  • You may prompt whatever you like, fanfic/fanart/fanvid/etc. If the prompter doesn't specify, assume it's for fic. The prompts can contain characters, pairings, crossover fandoms, kinks, plot ideas, quotes, crack, etc.
  • Only one prompt per post.
  • Read prompts before you post to see if someone else has prompted something similar. You are welcome to second prompts.
  • Multiple fills are encouraged.
  • All prompts should have "Prompt:" in the beginning of the subject. All fills (fic or otherwise) should have "Fill:" in the beginning of the subject. If for some reason you forget, don't worry about it, it happens. Just go back to your post and comment with ^Prompt Above or ^Fill Above. This makes it a lot easier for people skimming through the meme.
  • Please nest your fills, for help read this lovely post
  • Once you have filled, please head over to the Filled Prompt Post and follow the directions there. I know this is an extra step, but it makes things much easier in the long run and your fill will not be added to Delicious Masterlist if you do not.
  • Please include a warning in the subject for anything that might be a squick, trigger, or spoiler. Triggers may include, but are not limited to, non-con, dub-con, mpreg, incest, character death, self-harm, etc.
  • RPF is allowed, but again should be labeled in the subject.
  • Alternate Green Arrow verse prompts are allowed, but should have the verse (comic/cartoon/Smallville) in the subject heading, otherwise prompts will be assumed to be for the CW tv verse.
  • This is a kink meme, there will likely be prompts that will offend you in someway. If you have an issue with a prompt, please discuss it on the rant post. Flaming and kinkshaming will not be tolerated.
Important Links:Any questions, issues, concerns, or suggestions should be posted here.

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