New F/K Story: Steveness (R)

Jun 20, 2008 15:49

Title: Steveness
Author: arrow00
Fandom: dS
Pairing: Fraser/RayK
Rating: R
Category: FT, intoxicated!Ray
Wordcount: 2,951
Summary: Sometimes you have to find your inner Steve.
Notes: This is for all my lovely friends who are getting
LEGALLY MARRIED this week in California. It's also for the ( Read more... )

fic, f/k, ds, slash, fraser, rayk

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Comments 87

sam80853 June 20 2008, 23:14:33 UTC
Wonderful! And totally H O T!!!


arrow00 June 20 2008, 23:30:41 UTC
Thanks. It's very hot over here in SF today, so that 'splains it. :)


janedavitt June 20 2008, 23:35:37 UTC
Oh, how absolutely adorable was this? I'm totally melted here and murmuring 'aww' softly.


arrow00 June 20 2008, 23:38:54 UTC
yay. There are so many wonderful Steves in this world. And a whole BUNCH of them are crying and laughing and getting married like 2 miles away from me RIGHT NOW.


janedavitt June 21 2008, 00:23:19 UTC
I know! It's such a lovely increase of happiness in the world.


arrow00 June 21 2008, 00:38:45 UTC
That's it exactly: I don't understand how anyone, *anyone*, no matter how extremely homophobic they are, could look at these videos of people crying for pure happiness--that after 20 years of being married in their hearts they are finally married on paper, in full support of the state--and NOT rethink that maybe they've got things just a tiny bit wrong.

I mean the joy. The pure joy. It's overwhelming. City Hall is on my regular bike route so I'm constantly passing and seeing these shining, happy faces and I just want to cry except then I'd hit a tree or something.

PS: I'll be in Toronto in August. Wanna come over and hang?


keerawa June 20 2008, 23:45:08 UTC
Yay! I love the energy of this, the need. Ray went with a happy-sounding laugh, and wrestled with him until they were tangled together made me happy. And I just realized that nowhere in here did either one utter the word, "gay." Coolness!


arrow00 June 21 2008, 00:39:30 UTC
hee, Gay is the new Steveness. Or something. :)

thanks, my wonderful friend.


akite June 20 2008, 23:59:29 UTC
When had he ever been able to stop Ray when he was determined to do something?

That's Ray all over. *g* I love the Steveness of the whole story.


arrow00 June 21 2008, 00:39:48 UTC
Thank you kindly, my sweet.


j_s_cavalcante June 21 2008, 00:12:50 UTC
I love this! OMG, Drunk!Ray and Consulate!Sex and STEVES. The best friend and the Steveness thing? OMG, we gotta talk, sometime. I totally, totally grok this. It just rings very true for me.

The catnip thing? HEEEE! Oh, Ray. I actually found that part a little embarrassing. I'm not sure it's a mistake Ray would make, but...whatever, he's drunk, I'll give him a pass on it. :)

Ray is incredibly charming in his inebriated state. So Much Love.

(How unfair was it that you weren't at con.txt? Very. *pouts*)

I love you and your shiny brain So Much.

I think we need to clone you. There is definitely not enough Arrow to go around. :)


arrow00 June 21 2008, 00:47:55 UTC
thank you, mon cher:

you think Ray had a Steve in his life, don't you?

I so love writing him drunk.

I'm not sure it's a mistake Ray would make, but...whatever, he's drunk, I'll give him a pass on it. :)

I think it's not just the fall-down drunk, wherein working a plastic bag is difficult, or the fact Ray's understanding of evolutionary hierarchy and branching might be a little shaky, it's...he's making a funny. or, at least, he's joking at least as much as he is whenever he acts stupid on the show, which I take in more of a "fucking with you" way than true ignorance, similar to Fraser pretending he doesn't know the term "full house."

I'm sorry I missed con.txt. I heard you guys had a total blast. :)

::hugs shiny you::


j_s_cavalcante June 21 2008, 01:52:24 UTC
thank you, mon cher:

You're welcome, but...hee!...please tell me it's your command of French that's a little shaky, and not that you think I'm a guy? Ma chère. :) Which, not that I would mind being a guy, but I didn't get that lucky, this lifetime. Did I ever show you my Sim alter-ego, Jacinto? He's, like, the Fraser-Kowalskis' live-in houseboy. Heh. Because with Sims, one click and they're gender-swapped. So I gender-swapped my Self-Sim. Hee! (Ask me how much I want to inhabit my imagination. :)

(Alas, I have not seen my Sims since some time in 2007! Because art school pwns my life! *cries*)

you think Ray had a Steve in his life, don't you?OMG, YES! I think there is MUCH about Ray and Steves of all kinds that needs EXPLORING. Also, ask me about my second initial sometimes, because there was a Steve in my life when I took it. Yes! I had my own Steve. And I gave him back. *snorts ( ... )


arrow00 June 21 2008, 04:37:28 UTC
oh, my french is non-existent, mon sweet.

I cannot *wait* to hear your "Steve" story, either in person or on paper, but I know how the artschool stuff is sucking your creative juices right now (which is all for the very GOOD.)

Yeah, I've been away working on an album with my duo. We're almost done, just a couple more weeks, and I'm spending much less time in the studio now which means more time for play.

I'm so glad you picked up the Duran Duran reference. I suddenly had this vision of Ray in high school wearing those big chunky shoes and maybe a shiny jacket with the sleeves pushed up.

Oh, dear. And yet, he is nom-ish no matter what he's stylin' in.

I am indeed coming to Toronto in August, babee. Just have to get my friggin' passport!


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