Well, considering I spent painful hours writing about my own writing for my recent Fannish Year in Review, I felt it was only due justice to make the writers of some of my fave stories of last year squirm in equal embarrassment.
I'll start with dS. I don't have time to read that much (the problem with reading is you can't write at the same time. And right now Fraser is three-kinds-of-pining in my current; I think he's losing weight and everything.) So, it's funny that, even if a story is making me secretly flip the bird at my computer screen (usually the result of some character bias that makes one of the guys look like a complete asshole/wussy), I still almost always will continue reading until the bitter end, resulting in torment of the kind that makes me wish for a bright red bumpersticker: BAD FICTION HURTS.
But good fiction hurts much, much better. And in that spirit, I give you ten creations that definitely rocked my socks last year, and why. There were tons more that did--because jesus we have an excellent, prolific fandom--so this list is defiantly random (me poking through bookmarks.)
With no further ado:
Ten Stories/Vids of 2007 That Made Arrow Make a Wee
(in no particular order so don't get your panties in a bunch)
After by spuffyduds (F/K, NC-17)
Admittedly this was a (very precious) gift to me, but that's not why I'm reccing it; it's just why I found it. The story has brilliant RayK headvoice with a loopy, sideways edge that still somehow manages to impart tremendous emotion at the same time. By the way, though this is a deathfic, it's uh, well. I won't give it away. But read it--you sure the hell won't be sorry.
In Which Tradition is Not So Stultifying by green_grrl (F/K, NC-17)
Because Fraser. In a kilt. In a *very* traditional manner. Throwing weights (and apparently, Ray) around. Terrific Ray voice, too ("man-purse"), making for a very hot, satisfying read.
Pour Some Sugar On Me vid by sdwolfpup (Fraser, rated hot)
This burned my brain a little, or maybe that frying sound was my gonads. Fraser looking about as hot as you can imagine; hot enough, even, to make me enjoy a Def Leppard song, for crying out loud.
Long Road (Long Ride Home) by brooklinegirl (F/K/V, NC-17)
I don't usually read trio stories because they always seem to end up with Fraser sent off to the dry cleaners while the Rays work out how sexy they find each other. But this one gives all three characters a terrific arc, and RayV's journey is so believable and painfully true. Think of RayV moaning about his suit, and that's how he goes about completely turning his life around--reluctantly and full of self-delusion about how much he hates it, but ultimately is so damned happy to. Anyway, I loved this story like a bottle of rich wine.
After the Nile by joandarck (F/K, NC-17)
The Nile is long and so worth the journey, full of delicious moments and a Maggie you just have to love spending time with. The guys are complicated and their relationship as a result is not simple, and there are crazed plots, and virtue, unspotted and otherwise, and table thumping, and it's just worth every word.
Dark is a Way and Light is a Place by j_s_calvacante (F/K, NC-17)
Because I learn so much about Ray that I wanted to, and he is cruel, but with reason, and Fraser is good--he's just dangerous enough for Ray to let him in.
Wind From the South by nos4a2no9 (F/K, PG-13)
This story tore me to pieces. Not for the faint of heart, but the sheer simple beauty of the scenes and the emotion will knock you on your ass. There is a balanced rightness to Fraser's pain and the ultimate resolution. The language is pure craft.
Scratch, Scratch by risacooper (F/K, PG)
It's Ray and a black T-shirt and whisky and...Lucky Charms? Ray made Fraser promise no more crazy shit but those yellow marshmallows will get you every time.
Out From Under by brigantine1 (F/K, NC-17)
A due South/Men with Guns crossover, and considering I don't even know what MWG is, I was pretty surprised to be wowed off my feet (I mean, brigantine wrote it so I read it, I'm not an idiot, but in general I don't go for crossovers.) Anyway, Ray here is so deliciously tough but broken, and Fraser is obstinate and fragile and deluded about it. Dief is a wonder. The plot is twisty and the voices are strong like a really strong thing--tension cable, maybe.
Decorating With Antlers Is Never a Good Sign by slidellra (F/K, NC-17)
Fraser is the best kind of oblivious in this long fic, and Ray! in eyeliner! is in the hysterical (crack!) denial. Hot (cuffed) sex and gut-funny banter/humor that is perfectly them. This story is like beef stroganoff or something. It can't be good for me.
Okay, that's it for now, except this post has really given me a taste for reccing (since it leads inevitably to the reading) so I think I'll keep doing it in future. Next up: Sentinel Recs.